Georgian Cyber Attacks Linked to Russian Gang

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Jul 28, 2008
Cyber attack is more effective against enemy civilian institutions, such as banks, news outlets, trading facilities etc, to cripple or disrupt enemy society. In essence, this is no more different than carpet bombardment on enemy cities, which both are aiming at destroying normal social function of enemy states.

However, just like how carpet bombardment is so ineffective against hardened government and military targets, cyber attack against government and military networks are usually futile, for simple reason that they have different networks well protected or even physically separated from the Internet.


May 20, 2009
[citation][nom]chaohsiangchen[/nom]cyber attack against government and military networks are usually futile, for simple reason that they have different networks well protected or even physically separated from the Internet.[/citation]
uh, yeah, like that American A-Bomb China has been able to hack over the internet.

I remember the comment: "just unplug the darn thing!"


Jul 28, 2008
[citation][nom]jerther[/nom]uh, yeah, like that American A-Bomb China has been able to hack over the internet.I remember the comment: "just unplug the darn thing!"[/citation]

Commies were able to dump W88 warhead blue print in the front door of American Institute in Taiwan in 1996, before at the dawn of the Internet, and certainly before organized Chinese government hacking effort. It has triggered Lee Wen Ho case which ended with taxpayers losing 1 million dollars to Mr. Lee. We still don't know how commies got W88 blue print.

In intelligence circle, it is well known for decades that HUMINT is more effective than SIGINT. Given how Lee's and Valerie Plame's names were leaked to the media, I don't doubt that enemies of the US can acquire information they need through more traditional means.


Jul 26, 2009
If you can find non-existing weapons of mass destruction, how difficult would it be to find relationship between Russia's counterattack and DDOS attacks especially considering that Saakashvilli is a US puppet?

At least no KGB/FSB involved this time, that's some progress, bravo.

Let us all see the whole analysis of the "independent" research institute.


Jul 26, 2009
"Is this really any surprise to anyone, I mean really?"

No, considering that you get fed with propaganda on the daily basis (evil Russia, evil North Korea, evil China, evil Iran, evil Iraq, evil Muslims etc) who would be surprised by your reactions. I mean really?


Oct 17, 2008
so they are trying to lead you to think that this was done with some kind of government help..unleashing ddos attacks while they do military they ddos....facebook? I don't know, this sounds more like rocky and bullwinkle-type russian job than russian mafia or something

goverment worker: Oh no! I can't access facebook or twitter!!!
boss: *smacks on back of head* your suppose to be doing work anyway dumb-ass


Jul 3, 2007
[citation][nom]chaohsiangchen[/nom]Commies were able to dump W88 warhead blue print in the front door of American Institute in Taiwan in 1996, before at the dawn of the Internet, and certainly before organized Chinese government hacking effort. It has triggered Lee Wen Ho case which ended with taxpayers losing 1 million dollars to Mr. Lee. We still don't know how commies got W88 blue print....[/citation]
Sounds like a certain America's ally got their hand on W88 design and since they can't build a bomb, decided to use it to force congress’ hand in approving military sale to that certain country.


Jul 28, 2008
[citation][nom]Pei-chen[/nom]Sounds like a certain America's ally got their hand on W88 design and since they can't build a bomb, decided to use it to force congress’ hand in approving military sale to that certain country.[/citation]

Which ally? As far as I know, Taiwan is not a US ally, but more like a second class vassal state.

Besides, US Congress always prefer sale of used and/or second-rated weapon system to the second class vassal state of Taiwan. It is State Department and White House who are usually blocking the sale, and sometimes DOD as well when they don't want certain systems to be under Taiwanese possession. On other occasions Taiwans are force-fed with systems they don't need, such as a 10-story high VHF radar for over-the-horizon ballistic missile early warning system that connects to NORAD.


Apr 25, 2008
[citation][nom]yekoor[/nom]"Is this really any surprise to anyone, I mean really?"No, considering that you get fed with propaganda on the daily basis (evil Russia, evil North Korea, evil China, evil Iran, evil Iraq, evil Muslims etc) who would be surprised by your reactions. I mean really?[/citation]
please don't start anything, especially calling other countries evil, seriously, its not people its government, and even then you don't know half of things YOUR GOVERNMENT does. Learn a second language to have both sides of the story, and then say stuff, instead of vomiting whatever is in your head. Dont forget there are two sides, east and west, I'm somewhere between, because I know both Russian and English. I am sure Russia did wrong stuff, but you know, its a war and its nasty.

Oh and perhaps... did you ever serve in the military ? Its not like a game.


Mar 3, 2009
[citation][nom]yekoor[/nom]If you can find non-existing weapons of mass destruction, how difficult would it be to find relationship between Russia's counterattack and DDOS attacks especially considering that Saakashvilli is a US puppet?At least no KGB/FSB involved this time, that's some progress, bravo.Let us all see the whole analysis of the "independent" research institute.[/citation]

"Saakashvili is a puppet" is a lame Russian excuse for not being able to get along with ANY of its neighbours.

Because your president is not a leader, but an very ordinary short guy, with a bit ugly face, average brain and terrible temper, who became a president only while Eltsin has chosen him to. Who thinks that neighbours have to take into account Russia's opiioin, while Russia can ignore theirs, just because Russia is soo big and soo nuclear.


Mar 3, 2009
[citation][nom]yekoor[/nom]At least no KGB/FSB involved this time, that's some progress, bravo.[/citation]
Oh, dear, do you guys have no shame? I mean your federal channels 1 year after the war repeating old LIES about thousands of dead civilians, when even russian prosecution office came up with number 162? (georgian side lost over 200)

Litvinenko, that was poisoned, let me guess, by aliens, oh, wait, maybe by Beresovski.
Astemirova, which was apparently killed by "enemies of Russia", right?
This "agression" vs Russia, that somehow happened exclusively within Georgia's borders?

user Cyxymu had a very popular blog, regarding ethnic cleansing in Abkhazia, commited with Russia's assistance. His original blog was closed for quite some time because of the DDOS attacks (he had to move stuff to Cyxymu2 acc). Now somebody (I guess it's aliens, they indeed care about chronicles of Russia-Georgia wars) DDOS attacks him again.


Aug 17, 2006
[citation][nom]Hatecrime69[/nom]so they are trying to lead you to think that this was done with some kind of government help..unleashing ddos attacks while they do military they ddos....facebook? I don't know, this sounds more like rocky and bullwinkle-type russian job than russian mafia or somethinggoverment worker: Oh no! I can't access facebook or twitter!!!boss: *smacks on back of head* your suppose to be doing work anyway dumb-ass[/citation]
You shouldnt comment on things you know nothing about. The Facebook ddos attack was just recently on the 1 year anniversary of the invasion. There were no attacks on Facebook during the time of the actual invasion, but there were hacks against the Georgian government and media sites, as the article explains.


May 28, 2007
[citation][nom]jerther[/nom]uh, yeah, like that American A-Bomb China has been able to hack over the internet.I remember the comment: "just unplug the darn thing!"[/citation]
haha, yeah i think that was me, and a few others. :p

I posted a few comments on the last article about this. I can see why they would do this. If any of you have read Timmothy Zahns star wars trilogy (takes place after the original 3 movies) there is a part of it where The grand admiral tricks a world into thinking that it's unprotected and takes the world IN TACT no damage done because he needs to use the resources. So if they wanted gregoria for resources and to utilize it's facilities, a cyber attack would cause distraction and confusion making the military attack more effective possibly. I'm not sure the details but it does hinder communication and make life difficult for invaded party. Basically switching control of certain aspects of control of a regional area, in theory, could help the handing off of the command from current officials to an invading military group. How effective it was, i have no idea. But as i said before, to deny the logic is to purposefully be naive. This also makes me think a bit considering there are a LOT of hackers in china and russia, and we both know that neither have any respect for the US. :p
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