Max Payne on GF3




I have an PIV 1.7, Asus V8200 GF3, 512Mb Ram PC 133 and Win XP

I tried to play Max Payne, but it allways crashes and goes back to my desktop at the beginning of the Game,i also did 3DMark 2001 and the score was 3308 , really bad huh.

Can someone help me to configure or give me the solution for this problem?????

Thanks everybody



There is a patch available for Max Payne. Try to find it from gamespot or somewhere else.

Without the patch, I could not even launch the game.

With the patch installed, I only get random crashes (one or two times per day).

BTW, I have T-Bird 1GHz, GeForce2GTS 32MB DDR, WinMe.

For your low 3DMark score, try to make a clean install of windows. Get the latest NVidia Detonator drivers and any other chipset driver for your motherboard. Select "max performance" in the GeForce setting window.

Even my 3DMark2001 score is 3280, so yours should be way higher.

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