advice on graphics card


Feb 13, 2002
I have a 21" Sun workstation monitor (made by Sony) which I have connected to my PC. I have no problem with 1600 X 1200 resolution and the monitor supports up to 85 Hz refresh rate.

My PC is 677 MHz Pentium III and has Geforce 32 MB DDR graphics card. Because the graphics card is old, it only supports up to 75 Hz refresh rate. I want to buy the new graphics card (up to $150 range); so that I can use 85 Hz refresh rate on my monitor. Can you recommend me a graphics card that suits my monitor and computer? I do play some games with my PC.

thank you.



Dec 31, 2007
The max refresh rate for the Geforce256 at 1600x1200 should be 120 hz. Check for an updated monitor ".inf" file for that monitor with the manufacturer. This is probably what it limiting your refresh rate selection.

If you can't find an update there is a utility called PowerStrip which will let you select custom refresh rates. <b>(Be absolutely certain your monitor can handle the selected refresh rate. You can damage your monitor with the wrong selection)</b>.

There is a a third option. You can fool Windows by selecting a different monitor ".inf" file. You just need to pick one that includes the 1600x1200 resolution, 85hz, that you desire. To prevent Windows from redetecting your actual monitor, and thus reloading the original ".inf" file, you need to disable the option to automatically detect Plug n Play monitors in the Display Manager. (Once again, be careful with selecting refresh rates).

Related to the third option, it is possible to edit your monitor's ".inf" file. You would need to copy the pertinent information from the ".inf" file found above into your file. To say the least, this can be very tricky. (I haven't tried it, yet).

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