A Druid summoner/elemental story



Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

Hi all,

As I've just entered Hell mode and I thought I would describe the
situation with my Druid (single player V1.10).

He's level 75, I've focused on Summoning/Elemental. For Summoning:
Wolverine and Dire Wolf maxed with a couple of points in Carrion Vine
and Grizzly. For Elemental I've got points in Hurricane (17), Cyclone
Armor (7), and Artic Blast(3).

I just got a 5 socketed ogre-maul which I "Honer" rune-worded as my
weapon (in Nightmare I was using a crafted Martel de Fer which had
worked out well). I've got a 4-Perfect Ruby bow as my second weapon
and a Rouge Merc with Fire arrow and additional Fire Damage equipment.

Here's my current plan: Primary attack: Physical (with Hurricanne going
as well), if I run into a Physical Immune have my wolves tank and use
Hurricane and Artic Blast and the Merc to take them out (Artic Blast
does ok with the Hurricane and Cyclone Armor Synergies). For Physical
Immune and Cold Immune I use my bow with the rubies and my Rouge Merc
with the Dire Wolves again tanking. I am soon finishing Act I and this
strategy is working pretty good in Hell so far, I am particularly
pleased with the ability of my crew to take out the Physical Immunes.

Here's what I am thinking moving forward. Alternate skill points
between Summoning and Elemental by putting points in Summoning Grizzly
and for Elemental max out Hurricanne then more in Artic Blast or
Cyclone Armor. I am concerned that in some situations in the latter
stages of Hell mode my Dire Wolves could die so quickly as to make them
of little value, so use the Grizzly to tank (much more life with the
Grizzly). Other than that try to get my cold damage at a spot where it
isn't unreasonable to kill multiple Physical Immunes as I get deeper
into the Hell stage.

If anyone has run a similar character through Hell successfully, I'd be
encouraged to hear their tale and thoughts.


p.s. This may not have been the optimal use of skill points for a
Druid, but it has been a very fun character so far.


Archived from groups: alt.games.diablo2 (More info?)

jimmac wrote:

> If anyone has run a similar character through Hell successfully, I'd be
> encouraged to hear their tale and thoughts.

I haven't, but I had pretty much the same plan. :) I'm curious to learn
how you'll do in Hell difficulty. :)
