Thanks To All On the EBay Purchase Question



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I found all the comments to be extremely helpful. My two attempts to bid on
accounts were unsuccessful--one due to bidding going way out of my price
range, and the other, the seller not responding. Not a very auspicious
beginning, but that was just a first try. I did look into using an Escrow
program for purchase of Ebay merchandise, and that seems a bit more secure
for both the seller any myself. Now all I have to do is find a character.

One thing I find puzzling. What does Mythic not consider selling level 50
characters outright? It seems like it might be a great new source of
revenue for Mythic and a big help for people who want to go this route.
Would it be to offensive to players who want to put in the time to get a
character to 50?

Thanks again for all the very helpful comments. Skip


Apr 21, 2004
Archived from groups: (More info?)

I'd bought that one account for a druid and when housing came out I bought
some plat.
Back then I felt like I was doing something scummy, and something hardly
anyone did or even knew of. I met the person in mag mal and said nothing,
just accepted my plat and snuck away like a thief in the night. Looking
over my shoulder and of course, I was on an alt, I transferred my money to
my main to buy my cottage.
NOW as I read wired magazine (joystick section) it turns out that this is
becoming a business and a lot of people do this. We know they do it on UO
and now it is common on DAOC.
In fact the seller IGE is a company in Hong Kong with over 100 people.
They have talked to EQ about going in together, but no decision was made.
It boils down to some people having a lot of time and some have the money.
Tho it is more average people who use their cc's to obtain what they need to
play a game they only have an hour or two to spend on. UO is not
condoning this but they do feel people have the right. Games like
and second life all have a real economy driven by actual dollars. In you can buy there bucks or earn them.
Some companies feel it takes away from the flavor of the game, the honor
of the game.
Some earn great accounts, some buy them. All in all, it is the individual
that must make that choice and decide what they need to enjoy their gaming.
In the long run it would probably behoove the companies pocketbooks to
become one of the 'sellers', because there is money to be made. UO and the
sims charges you to change your name-the Sims charges you to buy more land.
Now daoc is charging to move a toon to a "NEW" account. I think as more
mainstream players enter gaming you are going to see this kind of thing.
There are mothers, professionals, families all playing the online games and
no longer is it the male between 13-23 who have all day and night to power
I think gaming is going to change and I'm personally not opposed to buying
plat or amour; because right now in DAOC I am hearing more about radar
programs, and this is more like cheating.
How the person in the BG got their 50 toon does not affect me, but if they
can see me when I can't see them, that hurts. He/she will have the easier
road. I think online gaming is going to continue to grow and change but who
knows what the outcome will be.
Speaking of IGE, they do sell accounts and they might be an idea. At
least it is a company who seems to have to answer for itself.

"Cat7" <> wrote in message
> I found all the comments to be extremely helpful. My two attempts to bid
> accounts were unsuccessful--one due to bidding going way out of my price
> range, and the other, the seller not responding. Not a very auspicious
> beginning, but that was just a first try. I did look into using an Escrow
> program for purchase of Ebay merchandise, and that seems a bit more secure
> for both the seller any myself. Now all I have to do is find a character.
> One thing I find puzzling. What does Mythic not consider selling level 50
> characters outright? It seems like it might be a great new source of
> revenue for Mythic and a big help for people who want to go this route.
> Would it be to offensive to players who want to put in the time to get a
> character to 50?
> Thanks again for all the very helpful comments. Skip