I 'WAS' looking forward to BioShock....


Jun 3, 2007
Yes indeed i was, and in many ways what i will do now is a bit of cutting of my nose to spite my face, but i will no longer be purchasing this game, for one simple reason DRM.

After looking through wiki on the game i have been looking forward to for a long time, i seen a new section on its intrusive and dragonian DRM system and my heart dropped. How dare software install registry entries that I can not remove without a reinstall of the whole bloody OS and how dare it count the number of times I install a product I buy, or would have bought may i say.

I will just have do without as a small protest against these DRM tauting morons, DRM solves nothing and indeed as an extra protest i may start looking for torrents of a game with DRM hacked off i would have happily paid money for.

I know the steam version is slightly less dragonian in its deliverable but its the principle I wanted to buy the box and play right away, not any more

I disagree with DRM and have had major issues with it before ie. starforce

Greedy CorpRat Morons

Sorry guys i just had to get this off my chest i'm so peeved


Nov 17, 2006
Yup your not the only one. See my post, it is essentially the same point.

I actually bought the game and played it for awhile (When I bought it, I didn't see that it required an online connection, or I would have been suspicious). Surprisingly, I must be one of the few rare birds that does not like it at all. It sucks. It appears to be well made, but because of its silly atmosphere and lack of believability, I am left with the powerful urge to go play a 'real' game instead of this silliness.

I was expecting system shock 2 or deus ex, and instead what I got was doom 3 redesigned by the clown from poltergiest. Just stupid.

And the total system crash that I get when exiting the game is a bummer, too. ...And sound problems... Did I just say it was well made? Never mind.


Nov 17, 2006
Oh, my god. Someone from a game reviewer magazine isn't a paid off monkey? I need a suscription for PCgamer, I guess.

I saw absolutely no mention of this outrageous fact from Gamespy, IGN, Gamespot, ...

Its Kind of a critical detail to leave out. At least some of these reviewers could have added to the end of the review:
"By the way, the online registration might enrage you to the point of lunacy. But its a pretty cool game, really.". Or something to that effect.

I swear these guys are paid off.


Dec 28, 2006
lol, there are so many threads on their forum about DRM, one of them was 45 pages, that was hours ago lol. I haven't seen that many complaints since I joined the Supreme Commander forums (seriously, it was bad, but jeez at 2k its nuts) Well atleast the devs of supcom were listening, unlike 2k, THEY'RE ON VACATION LOL! I'll haft to wait a few weeks to see if they remove this garbage.


Jun 3, 2007
Also their curtailing of Steam's normal operation betrays their attitude, limit our paying customers as much as we can.

Steam already has a built in copy protection by the fact u need to log in. Now alot of people i suppose in theory could share an account but in reality this is impractical.

It's the narrow sightedness I have come expect from corporate bigwigs.

Really hope Cysis doesn't lumber us with this.


Dec 7, 2006
Look guys, I'm no fan of security that uses malware or similar methods, but it's hard to begrudge a company some attempt to protect the years of time they invested in creating this product. For some of you to argue that since they are doing this you are going to pirate the game is ludicrous, and only proves the company's point that they need to go to extreme measures to protect what is their intellectual property. What, you want new games with better eye candy and creative gameplay but you don't like the way the company gave it to you so you'll steal it rather than pay the people who are talented enough to create it? How shortsighted. Everybody needs to take a deep breath here and realize that these things will get fixed. Enough people have already complained that the company seems to be taking notice--and rightfully so. See



Apr 2, 2007
No - they shouldn't calm down.

Companies have the right to try things and consumers have the right to get pissed. That's how the system works. Do you think they would have responded this quickly if everyone would have just been "calm"?

A little off topic but still relevant:

I just read in the starforce games list that Icewind Dale:Heart of Winter had starforce. I had no idea.

And I remember very well (I went back to check dates and reciepts to be sure) that my PC started acting up right after I installed it. It got so bad I ended up having to reformat and reinstall.

My PC worked flawlessly until that time; the BSoD started almost immediately after the install of HoW. It's not possible to prove it was starforce but that just outrages me more. I was never able to make the connection until I read that list.

Outrage at crappy business practices is a good thing, not a bad thing.


Dec 28, 2006

How does it prove their point when it serves no purpose other than to alienate consumers who buy their product? It's like gun controle laws - those that want an illegal firearm are going to get it, no matter what a politician/bureaucrat/executive thinks about it. For the record, I have never downloaded a retail game, I still have my NES games (dozen), Sega Genesis (34), and PC titles (20 or so.), boxes and all. I will probably buy Bioshock, eventually. I'll just enjoy Guild Wars Eye of the North, ET Quake Wars, Crysis, UT3, then Starcraft 2 first before buying that.


Dec 7, 2006
It proves their point in that it takes apparently very little motivation for some people to steal the game rather than buying it. You're angry b/c the game has a particular type of copy protection--ok, fair enough. Get mad, tell the company, don't buy the game etc. (I'm on your side here) and eventually the company will get the message and change their practices. But if your response is to simply go steal the game to "send the company a message" then the only message you are sending is that they need to work harder at protecting their product, perhaps by using even worse forms of copy protection. I'm not saying don't get mad. I'm saying some of you sound like you are ready to take up pitchforks and torches and burn down the company. Jeez.


Jun 3, 2007
seinat - please don't take my words on pirating a game to seriously, indeed i never specifcally said i was going to pirate Bioshock it may be intepretted as implied but my main point was that it will be hacked in no time thats the long and the short of it


Dec 28, 2006
I don't really care if it has starforce and whatnot, like c&c3, I have no issues, it has bugged alot of people, it's just the maximum 2 (now 5) installs on ONE PC. I have alot of games, and I uninstall/reinstall alot.. I want to reinstall farcry and some others, but I gotta uninstall probably Oblivion, ut2k4 or c&c3.


Dec 7, 2006
Fair enough noober. And I'm sure you're right about the game being hacked soon. I just think that as pc gamers we should take piracy pretty seriously if we hope to see a continuing stream of quality games come out each year. Not trying to get preachy here. Just my thoughts.


Aug 23, 2007
I have mixed emotions about this stuff. On one hand I do believe the companies should get paid for there work. One the other hand most companies now only want to make money so they will release bad games(I wanted to use four letter words but I will hold back). These companies just pump out so many games hoping people will "try" them only to never play it again. These companies dont care they will not make money after you bought it.

I think a company should try releasing a game for FREE but charging $5-10 a month to play it. They make money off the quality of the product. The more the consumer likes it the more they will play. I dont know how much more this would cost. I know MMOs charge monthly and look at WOW 9+ million people paying $10-15 a month to play.

On piracy, no matter what these game companies try it will not work. Try looking up the word Insanity. Never I will just tell you: "the act of doing the same thing expecting different results". How long is it going to take before the companies try something different. IE: Lowering prices, or Making better quality games.

I have to say I will download a game if I play it more than a week I will go out and buy it.


Dec 7, 2006
I have to admit I don't like the "pay as you go" model at all. I have some games I've played for years, literally. To pay monthly for them would have cost me hundreds of dollars each. I think the key here is DEMOS. I have been burned too many times by companies turning out drivel with hyped up marketing, or even by good games that just weren't my thing. I'll never buy another game that I can't demo first. The problem is with people buying before trying only to find that the game sucks and they can't return it. Thus, the company gets paid for turning out crap in a shiny box. EB used to let me return games with a simply "I didn't like it." Not anymore. So I don't buy it if I can't demo it.