FPS questions for my PC


Jan 9, 2013
hey everybody this is my second time posting on here so bear wit me but anyways ok so i have a heavy gaming PC no need for spec in this topic but the thing is EVERYBODY says that u cant notice the difference between 30FPS and 60FPS but to me there is a HUGE difference to me 30 is bearly playable and idk y it looks pretty choppy on my monitor could it have something to do with my monitor refresh rate or something like that cause i see a big difference any reply would be appreciated thx! :D


Aug 25, 2012
To be polite, the people who say there isn't a noticable difference either aren't very sensitive to those sorts of things, or don't know what they're talking about.

There's a distinguishable difference between 60-120fps at 120hz, though people claim that the human eye can't process that many frames per second. While this may be true, they fail to take into account that more nuance is still processed between each frame, creating a generally smoother experience which can be detected.

This subject actually goes much, much deeper once you start looking at how frames are compressed and generated (i frames vs b frames vs p frames and so on).

In short, yes, the difference between 30-60-120fps is very noticable, but only as long as the refresh rate supports the amount of frames. Some people just don't notice it.
V-sync helps too.