windows 8 customizable themes?

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Jun 15, 2012
Hi there, I just recently upgraded to windows 8 (and by upgraded I mean that I needed a new computer and the only computers around here have windows 8 pre-installed, so despite the fact that I'm not a fan, I'm now using Win8; but to be fair, I'm not really a fan of anything post XP, at least so far)

...Anyhow, What I need to know is whether or not it is possible to have a custom but non-95 style ("high contrast") theme. (theme for desktop, I avoid metro whenever possible)

Normally I wouldn't mind the 95 style, in fact I prefer it (uses fewer resources), but Win8 decided that it should force webpages to display using the desktop theme settings, causing many (in fact most) websites to not display properly.

So any downloadable and safe (and free, a must) themes or mods which will either allow me to make custom themes, or disable Win8 forcing the desktop setting onto webpages would be great. (or a Windows setting to turn off forced webpage display, if there is one)

I'd find it myself, but I find Google (and pretty much every other search engine) has become so obsessed with ads and social media, that it's pretty much impossible to find something on the internet which I haven't already located.

And before anyone mentions it, No, my browser is not set up to force computer colors onto websites.

Thanks in advance, S.B. Hahn
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