Improvements: best answered linked


Mar 24, 2013
I think the best answers should be linked; this way people will maybe decrease creating threads and make it easier to decide.

A good ideal might also be to create a thread called "Best answers" for each sub forums- a collection of the best answers from the made threads within the sub-forums.

Within "Manage my profile" the user can see how they progress, however they can't see which answers were selected.

If similar improvements, if they can be considered as such, then merge or delete this thread

I highly doubt it will prevent people from creating the same threads. If that were true, activity on TH will drop like flies.

Too many to list. Most people don't even bother reading a few stickies let alone flip through pages of these.

That would be nice to have. But you get emails.


Mar 24, 2013

I have seen that many create threads that are very similar with minor change to other; many have price tags that are often the same or a bit higher/lower. For this there could be threads with price as name such as "500$ desktop" or "500$ desktop with monitor and keyboards" sticked. Maybe this will decrease the created threads and make the created more "unique". Threads should be created but in some cases I find that other threads, that already holds the solution or possible solution, that solves the OP requests.
I'm not saying its a bad idea but I do agree with ksham for what its worth, its very difficult sometimes to get the exact answer you are personally looking for from another thread and so its natural that people would just ask their question anyway.
Trying to ask a question on the same thread usually gets responses moaning about Necro posting, which as long as its relevant I personally don't see the issue with.

Either way Joe has called it a possible go so lets wait and see.

Mac :)