Cat urine on PC monitor


May 3, 2013
So, my lovely little cat has pissed on my PC monitor. The urine was all over the screen itself. Of course I cleaned it up but I was wondering if this might have damaged anything. The urine was only on the screen, nothing near the grill on the back or any other open spot. Just the screen and the buttons on the bottom. The stupid thing is that the cat did this while I was away for the weekend, so the urine had been on the screen for maybe a few days. It was still easy to clean up but maybe it damaged something? So far I haven't noticed anything bad besides the smell...

Any help on this matter would be mutch appreciated.
liquid can seep between the bezel (plastic outer frame) and the screen.

if your panel is still working then you are likely okay but you may want to remove the bezel and have a look to see if there was seepage.