Looking for thumbstick and mouse alternative to using a Keyboard


Aug 13, 2012
Im an XBOX 360 gamer who's just built a gaming PC and im finding it a little hard to adjust to using a keyboard for movement, I've been using a wired 360 controller for most games. The mouse is a welcome improvement though.

Im tempted to get one of these [Razer Nostromo] as it has a thumbpad/stick on it as well as programmable keys,

Has anyone got any experience with it that can tell me its advantages/disadvantages over using a keyboard?



I have no experience with that device in particular, but I was considering purchasing one and eventually decided against it. First off, to lay the facts on the table, I was first a Xbox gamer, then I got real interested in PCs, got a PC and was in the same situation as you. Hated the key board. Played on it for a bit and then eventually started using a 360 controller for all my games (using joytokey if the option wasn't native in the game) and I had the best experience ever. So personal recommendation, the controller is the best xperince you will find (unless you're pretty co-ordinated or a drummer and can use foot pedals as well).

I did not purchase the little add-on as I had read that it was pretty difficult to become accustomed to the experience. Althought there are many more buttons and customizable options with such a device, overall it still detracts from the experience, UNLESS you will be a big MMORPG player or stuff like LoL then I would recommend this product.

Console games (battlefield, CoD, Assassin's Creed, Far cry) I would say no.

LoL and other MMORPGs then yes.

Sorry for the wall of text.


Aug 13, 2012

No problem I appreciate the effort! Yeh ive been using JoyToKey aswell. I dont really play Games like COD, Battlefield etc although i own a few of them, i was planning on getting it for those games as i hate using WASD keys and apparently im at a disadvantage by not using a mouse...


There is no disadvantage by not using a mouse. People who have become fully accustomed to using a mouse believe you are, that's all. If you use a joystick, you have the same potential as those with a mouse. It's just die hard PC gamers wanting you to believe nothing is better than what they have (that is if somone online told you that).