Can't Submit Answer sometimes


For about the last week or more, I have had trouble submitting a forum answer. The other parts of Tom's seem to work fine. But submitting an answer will often result in a yellow message bar at the top of the screen saying to try again later. I wonder if this is a problem on Tom's end or on my end. Any one else had this issue?



Yeah, still happening. Been bad today with one or two specific posts. Tried one in particular from this morning to this afternoon. No luck so far. (Motherboards section) Some go right through, some never seem to work. I first thought it might be specific to the UK URL. But other non-UK URLs are now doing it too.


A new anomaly just popped up. When I get an email notification of a forum reply, the URL is no longer in the form of a clickable link. I have to copy and paste the link into my browser address bar. Don't know if that is a problem on your end or mine... but it never happened before and only happens with Tom's Hdwr emails.

Btw, I finally got that one post mentioned above to accept my reply :)



Excellent. Glad to hear. Though the new format does seem to be more problem laden than the old. (Last night I could only get about half my replies to be accepted.) But since you are in the process of troubleshooting, I imagine that is to be expected. Good luck!