Question about notification's box

Is there any reason why the notifications box which appears in the top right hand corner of the page once you have clicked on your profile link can not be on the home page ?

I mean I am logged in anyway the system knows its me so why do I need to click through to my profile to see if I have any messages or not ?

Mac :)
I would assume its because not everyone who visits Tom's is a member, and having a different front page layout for members or just redundant space would be difficult to implement.
If you use Chrome you can get an extension which will alert you in the same way the notification box does, just built into the browser bar itself and independent of actually having Tom's open.

Thanks for the reply,
The point is I am a member and as such my front page is already different. At least I hope everyone else does not have a link to my profile in the top right hand corner.
I am aware of the Chrome extension but do not run it. I might give it a go.
I still think my suggestion has merit though and would like to hear more feedback from others.

Mac :)