Unselected Solved thread tracking

I am not sure if someone asked same question (quick check shows nothing of this kind).
About a week ago I had about 83 Solved threads (not counting specifically, but just payed attention), now I got 2 more Solved threads and I glimpsed on my counter and I saw 79, which in reality was suppose to be 85 or so.

So, the question.

When someone unselect Solved answer it would be nice to receive the same type notification as when Solved answer is selected. I wonder does it register somewhere activity like this? Or I have to simply go back in my PM box and check all Best Answers and see which one was unselected.

I am not really upset, but if I did a mistake and provided incorrect answer, I would like to comeback and investigate, so I would not make the same mistake again.

It would be nice to have this feature added to notification list. Is it a good wish?

I hope I articulated my question correctly, appreciate for any feedback.


Overlord Emeritus
You are notified if an answer you've given is selected as a Best Answer, though this doesn't mean that it will be considered the Best Answer permanently. Sometimes moderators, or original posters will decide that another response is more deserving of the Best Answer, or more appropriately answers the question, and change it. In those instances, we currently do not send notifications. As I understand your request, you'd like to suggest that when a user's previously set Best Answer is changed, a notification is sent?

You are absolutely correct.

This would help to learn as well.

Also, as you know, anyone with enough Best answers (is it 50 now) can select and deselect Best answers, I know I can.
So, hypothetically, for an example (no offense please), if I don't like you or I think that you provided bad answer, I can just deselect your Best answer. If I would not post anything in this thread you would never know, which thread was deselected, oops (well you as admin would know, but a regular user with 500 Best answers would have to spend ages looking for deselected one).
I know now that we not suppose to do so, but, but...

Is it sounds more clear.

Thanks for response, I thought that no one is paying attention to this post, and was thinking about bumping it already.