What's the Deal ?

Answering user questions has gotten difficult quite frequently. After clicking the post answer button, why is THG communicating with .... or perhaps better said "waiting for" ..... 27 different web sites before posting the answer ? This sometimes takes over a minute .....sometimes never stops "waiting".
There has been a few issues with the forum in recent days, I found myself at one point completely unable to post too or create threads.
Most I can say is sit tight and ride it out, the Devs are no doubt working on it.
The delays are just what made me notice the communications..... don't see why it's necessary to communicate with all these other sites tho in order to post a message .... meybe they all NSA fronts and they focusing on THG looking for cyber terrorists :)
I know Toms Hardware has sister sites scattered throughout Europe, its possible any posts are replicated on their copy of the forums (there are still problems with the UK/US merger) and thats where all these additional sites come in.


Overlord Emeritus
manofchalk is right - devs are working on it. A few of the items from our recent outage have caused residual issues with tracking and thread resolution, but hopefully these will be rectified before too long. As for mirrors, there is no major difference between our US/UK forums, aside from the way news commentary is handled, so this shouldn't present an issue.
It took my notice because the names didn't imply mirrors ..... and so many seemed odd. Was starting to wonder if I was hijaacked by some kind of bot that was dinging up web hits for some commercial purpose but it only happens here..