Does anybody care?


Apr 4, 2013
what do newspapers have to do with anything, just like watching the news or reading a article online its all opinionated. Politics are easy enough to understand, but its more of "who actually gives a shit". I personally don't give a shit because honestly i have more important things to worry about like, making sure i have a roof over my head and keeping my job and if i did give a shit, I just like everyone else here in america, unless i have billions of dollars can honestly do nothing about it so in short. WHO CARES.



Yes. Not often.

Not trying to be flippant. I do care about politics because of its consequences to the Nation.

I don't read the paper very much any more. When I do read one, it is generally cover to cover. However, I have gotten out of the daily routine in recent years because of all of the on-line venues to provide more current news (to be perfectly honest).


Jan 21, 2011

This is part of the problem.... Both on this forum and in the mainstream news.

Is this really Socialism?


May 1, 2011


You are the only developed country that does not want to reduce the difference between rich and poor.
Does the rich have always deserved to be rich? and the poor deserve to live in poverty?

(By cons, if the dog of Dora the Explorer is killed, I am sure you will be able to be indignant and set up an association to raise funds.)

I hate to agree with you but this linked video is proof that most Americans are BRAINLESS!

Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel did a man on the street quiz of random people on why they oppose Obamacare but support the Affordable Care Act. Sadly, and as expected, the brainless uninformed voters sampled FAILED to realize they are the same damned thing.

All in a name: Jimmy Kimmel quizzes Americans on 'Obamacare' vs. Affordable Care Act



Marv, do you currently have health insurance? Either your own or ACA provided?

Because if you don't have it by the end of the year, you will be hit with a 3% penalty.. 3% of whatever your income is for this year will be fined.

Is it really that bad of the GOP to want to delay that penalty by 1 year?

So you're taking someone who right now might not be able to afford healthcare and you're forcing them to buy it just like that. That doesn't really go over well for people on fixed incomes.

If you were told one day that you needed $300/month in disposable income, would you be able to easily do it? You have lived your life managing your money, making your own financial decisions, and then one day you're being hit with an unexpected bill that you really haven't been able to plan for?

I'm standing with the GOP to delay that penalty by at least 1 year. Give people time to adjust their finances to afford it.

Hell, I'm trying to figure out where I'm going to come up with $1,400 a month for my health insurance now.

+1. Agreed.

I'm just glad you didn't include Walking Dead junkies in with the same crowd. :lol: :D



Harry Reid wanted to have the vote on Saturday during football to sneak it through. Instead, Ted Cruz talked for that duration to force the vote on Friday so America could see what was happening. Too bad too many people are unaware of moves like that to distract people from what they're voting on.

You mean how like Pelosi and Reid passed the ACA during a lame-duck session of the Senate, at midnight, during a congressional recess? You mean that kind of move?


He's taking a break for dramatic effect to bring forward some crazy line from the all mighty book. I'm waiting for all the tassel rules to come flying out.

On a side note, The Bible is actually the best form of government. But I'm guessing most people have never read through the bible but only focus on the letters written to other believers.

Wow, mindblown. Some respect due to you!
What a crock ... we need to burn the bible and the koran ... both are full of patriarchal useless warmongering dribble.

Buddism is the way to go ... something harmless and personal.

Buddism is about improving yourself.

Christianity and Islam is about judging other people ... so they are naturally antagonistic.

Religious nuts make me puke.

When your perfect and can float three feet off the ground then I'll listen to every word you say ... in the meantime work on that and annoy us when your good enough.