Do you know a clean joke?


Why are men like noodles? Because they're always in hot water, lack taste and they need dough.

How does one get a man to exercise? Put the remote between his toes.

What's the difference between government Bonds and men? Government Bonds mature.

Can't remember the rest. Had a whole list... put a 7/11 store of female staff into hysterics
with them all. Male manager came out, asked what was going on, they looked at him and
then just started laughing even more. :)

Of course if you want to come at it from the other side of the fence, then...

What do you call 10 blondes in a row? A wind tunnel.


while me and another coworker were engaging in some rather techy geek talks my boss 8-10 years ago came up with a witty phrase to say. it honestly had me laughing (its not funny unless you're techie) but my coworker didnt seem to get it.

"oh yeah... well my gigahertz when i ram is that a problem?"