GTX 670 2GB v GTX 760 4GB


Sep 29, 2013
Hi guys

In preparation for Battlefield 4 I am thinking about upgrading my GPU from a GTX 670 2GB to a GTX 760 4GB card.
Do you think this is a sizeable improvement for the investment (keeping in mind the GTX 770 is a little bit more than I am willing to pay right now)?
Also how happy is the GTX 760 with being overclocked?
The 760 is a pretty good beast of a card, but not sure how much over a 670. You might want to wait a week for the new AMD cards to start getting benchmarked and out in the wild and see how well they do. Especially with their Mantle API that is going to be released for BF4 and is promising a huge boost in game play on BF4 and other games that take advantage of the Mantle API.