Upgrading GTX480 SLI, $500 Budget


Oct 14, 2013
APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: before xmas. can wait longer if it is worthwhile

BUDGET RANGE: ~500. can probably squeeze out a little more. cheaper is always better, because i can then use the left over budget to get a new monitor too.

USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Primarily gaming. I have a two monitor setup and often stream netflix while playing at the same time. Typically play RTS and MMOs. Primary game I play currently if FFXIV. Will likely pick up Rome II within the next couple of months.

CURRENT GPU AND POWER SUPPLY: 480 SLI. Can't remember my exact PSU. (posting from work) but given i'm currently handling two 480s i'm thinking i should be able to handle just about anything I move to.

OTHER RELEVANT SYSTEM SPECS: Alienware Area 51. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 970 @ 3.20GHz. I don't remember what mobo I have (again, posting from work). Purchased the PC about 3 years ago.


PARTS PREFERENCES: Heavily prefer Nvidia. haven't really had good experience with ATI.


SLI OR CROSSFIRE: No Preference. In generally I have prefered SLI because of cost. but my budget is less restrictive. Would like to try switching to single GPU and curious about options.

MONITOR RESOLUTION: 2 monitors. main display runs at 1920x1080, second display at 1280x1024

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: I haven't run into any major walls with my system. i'm starting to get a bit of slowdown with some newer games. Rome II benchmark results weren't as good as i'd like, but the game is still very playable.

my main complaints are with heat of my current setup. the airflow of my new apartment is terrible, and my PC is basically a space-heater right now.

I'm currently leaning towards SLI 760, but wondering what my other options are, especially if i want to move to a single GPU.


I'd go with a single 280x for $300 (keep the extra $200 for whatever you want). Also, sli 760's is not a bad option (will run on par with the titan!).