new controller suggestions?


Jan 1, 2012
currently, i do most my PC gaming on a PS3 Sixaxis controller, i like the ability of the pressure sensitive buttons to map them to an axis and use that pressure sensitivity in game... but im wondering if i shouldnt upgrade this to something else

i like to avoid xbox controllers.. i have one, wired, and it just doesnt have nearly as good of a fit and finish as the ps3 controller has.. so im thinking upgrading it to a dualshock 3, wait until the PS4 arrives and get a dualshock 4, the steam controller (not sure if im going to like the trackpads, im used to thumbsticks, and they have like, no face buttons that are actually useful for anything) and last option i can think of would be the nyko playpad pro bluetooth controller.. id be more inclined to go with one of the more mainstream controllers though due to the third party customization options.. so i can restyle mine into something unique


May 31, 2008
Six-axis to DS3 is a minor upgrade. You'll get Vibration feedback, but the controller would otherwise be very much the same thing. Unfortunately, most options from companies like Logitech, and Nyko, are inferior to your Six-axis... so.... I think you should wait for the DS4.


Jan 1, 2012
im concerned with the DS4 controller though.. because of the way i hold the controller, the longer grips might actually be a bad thing for me.. i typically hold the controller with the very button of the sixaxis grips resting on the inside of my pinky.. meaning my pinky finger goes across the very bottom edge.. what this does is allow the controller to rest in a more tilted forward position making it much, much more comfortable to play with four fingers on top, and use my index fingers to hit all the face buttons as well so i dont have to take my fingers off the thumbsticks to do something like a reload

im thinking the longer grips might cause an issue with that.. hmm, maybe i should go into a walmart or a game stop when they have the sample consoles set up in store and try one out.. and that touchpad would give me another level of control

im actually probably going to dual-boot with steam os when it comes out to show my support for the moving of PC gaming to a more open source platform.. away from microsoft so we can still play the PC games we enjoy and not have to fork out $300 for some abortion like windows 8.. so maybe i should give that steam controller a good hard look.. im just not sure how theyre going to make up for the loss of face buttons or the d-pad, granted, d-pads are used for little more than extra buttons anyway.. and i do like anything open source and hackable which is what theyre advertising the steam controller as being...

but yeah, fulle is right.. upgrading to a dualshock 3 will give me a vibration feature that i often find to be annoying, kills battery life anyway, and adds considerable weight to the controller at a cost of $40.. i should wait till these next gen controllers are out and test drive a couple in store and see how i like them