Updated Badges Page


Overlord Emeritus
Hey there friends!

Wanted to take a minute to let you know that today, we've updated the badges page to be more easily readable and to establish a uniformity across the service.

Take a look!

• Each Expertise Badge now has three levels, Green, Blue, and Red, indicating the level of the badge with Red being the pinnacle. When you've earned the badge, the color displays. It remains grayed out until you've achieved a certain number of Best Answers.

• A progress bar now charts the number of Best Answers you have as well as the number required to reach the next level. The progress bar increases with your advancement.

• Rankings for the Top 10 are now displayed in addition to this month, last month, and all time, as well as showcasing experts in the badge category. Note: if you aren't ranked above the 500th position, you are shown as N/A.

• More members to help is now shown, offering a quick link to unanswered threads in the category where the badge is in play.

• Other badges to earn are also shown, giving you an overview of badges you can still go for.

• Activity badges are displayed in yellow, with no variation in color between the ranks and without ranking.

• Progress bar is distinct per activity on activity badges (as these tend not to be best answer related).

You can check out all the badges available here in the badge directory:

We do hope you like the changes. Next up will be updates and enhancements to the profile screen and the way your profile information is presented. :)