China: 'World should de-Americanise'

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If we "de=Americanise" there would be no way we would look to China ... what with their artificially manipulated currency market, slave labour and totalitarian government it is not much of a choice really?

I'd smash the free trade agreement with China and reinvigorate our own manufacturing ... simple really.

Then they would starve ... then the people would turn on the 4500 Corrupt Govt Leaders and hang them all.

Not sure what would happen next as I can't remember how "Animal Farm" finished ... I'll get back to you shortly ... after I see how the pigs turned out.

WHILE US politicians grapple with how to reopen their government and avoid a potentially disastrous default, the world should consider 'de-Americanising', a commentary on China's official news agency said.
"As US politicians of both political parties (fail to find a) viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanised world,'' the commentary on state news agency Xinhua said.

In a lengthy polemic against American hegemony since World War two, it added: "Such alarming days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated.

"A new world order should be put in place, according to which all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing.''

Negotiations over how to end the budgetary impasse have shifted to the US Senate after House Representatives failed to strike a deal with President Obama on extending borrowing authority ahead of a October 17 deadline.

Beijing has in recent days issued warnings as well as appeals for a deal, all the while emphasising the inseparable economic ties that bind the world's two biggest economies.

"The cyclical stagnation in Washington for a viable bipartisan solution over a federal budget and an approval for raising debt ceiling has again left many nations' tremendous dollar assets in jeopardy and the international community highly agonised,'' said the commentary.

China is the biggest foreign holder of US Treasury bonds, worth a total of $US1.28 trillion ($1.35 trillion) according to US government data.

"Instead of honouring its duties as a responsible leading power, a self-serving Washington has abused its superpower status and introduced even more chaos into the world by shifting financial risks overseas,'' but equally stoked "regional tensions amid territorial disputes, and fighting unwarranted wars under the cover of outright lies'' the commentary said, referring to Iraq.

It added that emerging economies should have a greater say in major international financial institutions the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and proposed a "new international reserve currency that is to be created to replace the dominant US dollar''.

China has only slightly more weight than Italy at the IMF, which has been headed by a European since its creation in 1944.

A governance reform has been in the works for three years but its implementation has been blocked by the effective veto of the United States.


May 1, 2011

Because it seems that "american ideal of individual liberty" are only made for american people.
I just read an article about US spying on french telecommunications.

In my country, we think that your individual liberty is on a grass roots level, if you also do not respect our sovereignty and piss in our boots with Big Brother, i guess we won't be friends for a long time.

So, on some points, i agree with the chinese...

I love the line...
introduced even more chaos into the world by shifting financial risks overseas
...given that China was quick to buy up that debt to build ghost cities, build up their military, and other massive infrastructure improvements.

I wish that were true! The NSA has been gathering communications records on American citizens for the past several years. Believe it or not, there are many Americans who still hold individual liberty on a grass roots level as well; see the Tea Party.

The fact that the NSA has also been doing it to the French is, IMO, an egregious abuse of power and a direct assault on your sovereignty. Don't hold it against all Americans though, the actions of our government (especially President Obama) do not reflect the values of the majority of Americans.


May 1, 2011
My bad: i was talking about our respective governments.
I know american citizens have nothing to do with the decision of spying some of my fellows.

On that case, we don't understand so many things on that decision.
We are fighting against terrorism too, We are allies in ages, it's not as if we could be a threat.

Another thing is:
Why the French Minister awaits the publication of an article for responding?
Why the U.S. ambassador didn't been called before?
Do I hear the news at the same time as my minister???

Sad day for the Franco-American friendship.

Typical uninformed progressive response. Do you have any original thoughts or can you only talk in progressive rhetoric? And George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Sean Parker are as benevolent as Emperor Palpatine!

Did you know the Tea Party was born out of the Tax Day protests from the 1990's? Did you know that Ron Paul held the first Tea Party protest in 2007, before Obama became President? Did you know the Tea Party would not be the organization it is today if it weren't for George Bush? Probably not but that seems pretty damned grass roots to me!

I bet you have a bumper sticker that says, "Mean people suck!" right next to your coexist religious symbols bumper sticker.


Jan 21, 2011
Nah Ive got a support your local farms bumper sticker (Its covering the Ass, gas, or grass sticker).

Lets be real here, whatever tea party you invented in the early 90's is dramatically different from the crazy people calling themselves tea party patriots, and they were funded by hundreds of millions of outside dollars, from one particular group...the Koch brothers.

Ill say the same about any "Grass Roots" organization that does so. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

And for the record Palpatine was the only one preparing for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion while the senate fought over trade agreements.... Why would you need a death star to fight a few rebels?


Jan 19, 2012
I understand why conservatives like what the tea party stands for but at this point its run by the council of idiots that include Palin, Bachmann, Cruz and the king of the mentally unstable, Glenn Beck. Also, its bank rolled by the Koch brothers, which is just bad news to begin with.

Maybe its time to start fresh with a new "tea party" and this time put up a sign that says no nut jobs or racists allowed.


Hey lets make a clear distinction:

There is the Tea Party people and there are the Tea Party Politicians.

The Tea Party people are real.. they're legit people who are tried of seeing the Gov't running from issues, spending more, stepping on our freedoms, etc.

Then you have the political people that had the money to get elected.

The simple fact is that we need to cut spending, it will hurt, and we need to fix these issues.

While the American currency is supreme, we can continue issuing debt and pushing it off and never have to pay it back. But then you globalists are pushing.. not putting two and two together. If we go towards a globalist point of view, the US dollar won't be supreme. If that happens, the US has to actually pay back its debt which ain't going to happen, period.

If you take the current situation and make a foundational change, you can't expect everything to remain the same minus the change. Everything can be affected by that change. The simple example being the $650 billion increase revenue passed in January 2013.. except right now it doesn't look like it has raised a single penny above previous predictions. Why? Because the $650b was based off the state of things before the change. When the change occurred, other factors changed as well.

Everything works together. Every change affects everything, big or small. That has to be factored in and considered, instead of making broad sweeping statements.. When a change it made, more than that change are affected and the result will be different.

Can't stress that enough. Some people are just too simple in their thought process.

Let's just look at taxes. Taxes went up, we should see a significant increase in tax revenue for 2013.. but we're not, we might see a $150 billion increase from last year.. even though taxes went up significantly! You can't argue against facts and proof with theories and opinions.
Well, the good things is the tea party council of idiots serves the purpose of balancing out by the committee of imbeciles headed by Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, Waters, and Wasserman-Schultz with their talking head lap-dogs Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow.

What it comes down to is I don't get the liberal fascination over the Koch brothers. So they donated money to some conservative organizations. So what, big deal! It's isn't anything that Soros and Bloomberg aren't currently doing for liberal causes and organizations. Or is it just a go-to progressive talking point using the worn out Alinsky tactic of "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Regardless, it is completely hypocritical for libs to attack the Koch brothers.


Jan 19, 2012

“If we’re going to give a lot of money, we’ll make darn sure they spend it in a way that goes along with our intent,” he told Doherty. “And if they make a wrong turn and start doing things we don’t agree with, we withdraw funding.”

Not a bad piece of reading, they talk about Soros a little bit too. That quote is from one of the Koch brothers.



Makes sense to me.. you donate your money to those who support your causes. If they don't do what you want them to do, you don't give them more money. That makes perfect sense.

They're not donating to donate to a party.. they're donating to people who they align with and agree with. Just like voting, you're supposed to vote for the person who you align with.. and if you don't align with them you either don't vote for them, or don't vote.


Jan 19, 2012
So you take people who are unqualified for the job and put them in office because they align with your views and you have the money to do so. These views may not entirely line up with the people who vote for them either You then fund think tanks under the guise of neutrality to publish studies that ONLY coincide with your views. Then use said studies to have your "politician" push your agenda. You then spend even more money to fund more studies that ONLY go against what your opponents say. Ya, makes complete sense to me, buying power never sounded so easy.

The only reason global warming isn't accepted is because of the Koch brothers. Everybody else in the world see's it as a problem but the insane amount of money they have spent on it has blinded Americans from the truth. In the article it makes a good comparison of showing how the cigarette industry did the same thing for years.

The Kochs continued to disperse their money, creating slippery organizations with generic-sounding names, and this made it difficult to ascertain the extent of their influence in Washington. In 1990, Citizens for a Sound Economy created a spinoff group, Citizens for the Environment, which called acid rain and other environmental problems “myths.” When the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette investigated the matter, it discovered that the spinoff group had “no citizen membership of its own.”

Not to mention they use their money to swing elections any way they see fit.

In 1997, another Senate investigation began looking into what a minority report called “an audacious plan to pour millions of dollars in contributions into Republican campaigns nationwide without disclosing the amount or source,” in order to evade campaign-finance laws.

Charles Lewis, of the Center for Public Integrity, described the scandal as “historic. Triad was the first time a major corporation used a cutout”—a front operation—“in a threatening way. Koch Industries was the poster child of a company run amok.”

Some of this stuff is just unreal. They have hijacked the democratic process for their own motives with nothing but money.


What are the qualifications to run in Congress?

There are none! That is the entire point! Everyone and anyone should be able to run and hold office because they're working in the best interest of the people and the country.

There is no degree that prepares you to go to Congress. That's the problem.. Jesse Ventura was right when he ran. He ran as a Statesmen, made the hard decisions, and got out and took up other jobs.

Keep voting for career politicians Johnny...

musical marv

Feb 26, 2011
I agree we depend on China to much for almost everything now.We are in their grasp all the time.

Heck, totally sounds reasonable to me! If your're going to give your money to an organization you want them use it in manner consistent with your beliefs; take it away and give it to someone else if they don't.

For a moment, I thought we agreed on something johnsonma...but then I read your next post and could only guess what direction you had gone in...

Not sure if this is a blanket statement or directed at the Tea Party. I hope it's a blanket statement because it just screams of hypocrisy given the current President's curious professional credentials and whirlwind rise to power from 2004 being a nobody Illinois State Senator to POTUS in less than one term as a US Senator! Like I said, I hope this was a blanket statement aimed at all political parties...

Wait a minute...didn't the IPCC just put out a report that basically refutes everything they stated in their previous reports about the facts of climate change? IIRC the polar ice caps have increased in seize since 2008.

This, right here, is where you just need to quit attacking conservatives and the Koch brothers lest you just sound like a shill. You are smart enough to know that the Democrats and Progressives do exactly the same damned thing!

This is an example of what I mentioned above about coming off as a shill. Soros and his countless millions funding progressive causes and organizations are no better or worse than anything the Koch brothers have done. If anything, I believe Soros to be much worse given that he outright calls for replacing the American Dollar as the world backing currency; god forbid that ever happens because then America is totally fvcked!

Exactly ... a party formed by rich people who don't want to pay their fair share of tax isn't a grass roots party ... I'd call them an extremist party/ is seen as an 'unfair' act of power by a few people. Remember, money=speech. The more money, the more free speech.

Those of us, ( ie: all of us,) have less captial than the kochs combined.
This raises a few questions:

1) Does this give an unfettered gain of power to a few over the many?
2) What impact does this have in the short-run? Long-run?
3) What is the social, political, and economic impact on the US of such action(s)?

I feel that the reason liberal ( or progressives,) feel that the Kochs giving (m/b)illions to a specific ideology/group is seen as some inbalance of power of the people. One could, however, argue the same for liberal (progressive) groups as well.

In conclusion, the view that the Kochs have a precieved 'unlimited' purchase of political 'power' manifests itelf when the opposing party sees this in play. No matter who is taking action in contribution of cash to specific groups, it is seen as a threat to the balance of the Republic.



Don't you know? The less tax the rich pay the more they invest in everyday Americans!

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