Good fantasy RPG games for PC


Oct 22, 2013
Well I have played quite a lot but am looking for more.
I am talking about fantasy here so I generally mean games where there are swords and magic and open green fields and all sorts of cool enemies.
1. Two Worlds 2
2. Skyrim
3. Oblivion
4. Kingdoms of Amalur
5. Dragon Age Origins
6. Witcher 1 (haven't finished yet) Then I will play 2.

And I tried to play Dragon Age 2 but it sucked. Then I looked at some gameplay of Risen 2 and it looks horrible. Then I had a go at Divinity 2 and that sucked so bad.
Maybe I will give Gothic 4 a try.

I was also very disappointed in Skyrim. Everyone claims it has the best graphics and all these other claims but for me the graphics looked pretty sub standard. Also the combat felt really lame and the characters movement felt blocky. When I completed quests I didn't really feel like I achieved anything and more importantly when the large quests were over nothing changed in the skyrim world which was lame. Also leveling in the game felt pointless. Nearly as pointless as in Oblivion where when you leveling the enemies also become stronger so upgrading is really pointless.

So far I have really liked Two Worlds 2 (Except the ending of it). The game felt really cool and the in game side quests were awesome and the graphics were nice and upgrading and leveling was really good.

I recently finished Kingdoms of Amalur and it was pretty decent. The upgrading and leveling was alright and the combat is really good. The side quests feel a little boring but overall it's pretty good game.

I thought Dragon Age Origins was pretty good. It had decent graphics and a nice combat system as well as a nice leveling system and even cool characters and story.

Now maybe I have missed some good games that I don't know about yet. I really feel like there is a really cool game out there I don't know about. Basically it should be a game at least after 2004 and on PC and be a fantasy RPG like those above. Do you know of any.

Do not play Gothic 4. It is the worst sequel I've ever played. It isn't even made by the same gaming company, it was sold and butchered.

Dragon Age 2 is bad if you just got done playing Dragon Age Origins. It is actually pretty good if you haven't played Origins for a few months. Dragon Age 2, by itself, is better than most RPG's, it just can't stand next to Dragon Age: Origins and look good. They cut a lot of corners on the maps and inventory, but it is still fun, just as long as you don't play it too soon after Dragon Age: Origins. I think the combat system is even better than the first.

If you liked Kingdoms of Amalur, you will likely like Darksiders and Darksiders 2.

Two Worlds 1 & 2 are pretty decent, though balance is totally off when you get about half way through. I still liked it.

The Witcher 1 & 2 are good. The story is good, the combat is a matter of taste. They are definitely worth getting.


Apr 18, 2014
My favorites are: Skyrim, The witcher 1,2,3 , dragon age origins, 2 , Divinity 2 DKS, Dark Souls 1,2 , The lord of the Rings War in the North,
Fable 2, Dishonored, (Bound by Flame and dragon age inqvisition will be good to).

Mord the Grumpy

Sep 3, 2014
Also for a classic RPG that still has a huge fan base, try Neverwinter Nights. It came out in 2002, so the graphics are a little out-of-date, but you can create your own game world to play in or play on a server where someone else has built their own. If you're familiar with Dungeons and Dragons; it uses the 3rd Edition style.

Currently the master server list has been taken down, which means you can't see what servers are available to play on. However, you can look at what servers are currently running, here. I play and Dungeon Master(DM) on a server called Sigil: Planar Legends. We normally have around 6 - 20 players online, depending on the time of day. We have people that play in the US as well as Europe and other countries.

I have been playing on this server since January 2013. I've played on several other servers from time to time, off and on, but I have always stayed true to this community. That's what it is. A community. On some servers you might talk to a few people in game and catch a DM online, but there ends the availability of staff and other fellow players. This is not so in Sigil: Planar Legends. If you have questions, comments or ideas there is typically one or more DMs lingering in our Skype chatroom and are happy to help you. The staff here are real people, and talk to you like real people. They don't jerk you around and blow smoke up your a**. Likewise we expect others to treat others with respect.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Aug 7, 2007
I don't think Dragons Dogma was released on PC, at least I never saw it. I have been wanting to play it though, played the demo on XBL and it seemed like fun. Maybe I will dust off my 360 and pick up a used copy of it, wonder how well it handles me no longer having a Gold account.


You could try Dark Souls 1 and 2, they're not so open as skyrim or kingdom of amalur, but both have one of the better fighting mechanics in rpgs. Dragons Dogma is only for ps3 or xbox 360, but it is a hell of a game, i spent like 300 hours on my ps3, if you have a console its a must play.


Apr 17, 2013

Hm... this is a very different opinion from mine.

Graphics for 2011 when the game were released and even now with some hi-res texture mods looks pretty good. Especially in compare with the rest of the games you have listed.I hope you are playing it on Ultra.

Leveling feels really rewarding especially if you don't just put random points on every talent you see. And no, mobs do not level up with you the way they did in Oblivion. In Skyrim mobs stay the same level they were when you first entered the world, thus if you were to go back to a place where it took you 5-6 hits and some blocking/healing to defeat a mob you could 1 shot it a few level later.

After completing some quests a lot of things change actually. Whether it is the disposition of certain faction (so to speak) towards you - hostile, friendly etc. to (spoiler alert) triggering things like dragons invading the world.

Maybe you didn't give Skyrim enough time, or maybe you just don't like the Elder Scrolls games.

Other than that!/en_US/home/latest-trailer looks pretty promising but we have to wait till November.


That's not really true. Skyrim's system may have a few exceptions, but most mobs do level up as you do. Or rather, as you level up, the mobs you face are high level versions of the earlier mobs. Some mobs do not level, like the Mammoths and Giants, but most do. Special quest mobs may also stay the same level, but most the trash you face in dungeons will show up as high level versions as you level with some lower level ones too. It's kind of a hybrid system now.