Large deleted folder recovery


Nov 4, 2013
To preface this, I am trying to find a solution for my fiance, and am not immediately in front of her computer. However, she is fairly tech savvy so I feel like she is giving good information over the phone.

She has a secondary drive on her desktop with documents and media files only. While browsing, she accidentally deleted the picture folder within this; since it was so large it circumvented the recycle bin, but she was able to hit cancel before the operation completed.

After hitting cancel, she checked and the folder was gone. Not in recycling bin, either. She has tried three of the third party apps available for download that can recover deleted data, but no luck. They show files she has deleted in the past, but not this recent large deletion. She isn't using her desktop for anything except attempts at recovery and is installing these programs to her main C: drive.

Right-click and 'restore previous version' of the root folder doesn't show any previous version to restore to.

Is there something that she is doing incorrectly? Is it just unrecoverable because it is on a secondary drive and not the primary drive? Did hitting 'cancel' hurt her chances of recovery? Would a restore from backup & restore help?

Thanks in advance for any input,


Nov 4, 2013
That would be one of the three third party apps that we've tried that aren't picking up the deleted folder.

The fact that its a secondary drive shouldnt make any difference '. Deleted data is not removed as such . Its all still there .

Is she 100% sure she is searching the secondary drive for the files?
Has she set search parameters that stop recovery? Like searching for 100 gig folder instead of 1000's of smaller image files ?


Nov 4, 2013
Thanks for your help.
Not sure what was happening, but she found the folder in her recycle bin, but it was renamed as some thing with a $ that she didn't recognize, but once she sorted it by date deleted she realized it had been there all along.
It's now backed up to an external drive...