stop popups in toms hardware

Being a logged in, registered member of Tom's Hardware can help you avoid some of those types of things. We do have a few items we present to brand spankin' new users to help guide them a little. Logging in turns all of that off.


Apr 19, 2011
im already registered here but when i look for something here from office PC, and when i reach to the end of page, it will popup an annoying full screen dialog asking me about the feedback about the question with im better and im better options. it doesnt stop there, after i gave the feedback when i scroll down the page , again it will show same popup.After closing the popup and scrolldown again or move the cursor to next tab, there is another big popup asking me to ask a question here.

i dont want to login from my office pc. Finally i had to login to escape from this popups. Seriously there a 'ask question' option right side of the page, i dont understand why do we need a big popup, which looks like a advertisement popup from cheap websites.

I know this feature(hardly) is to attract(force) guest users to make registered here.
interestingly once i logged out from the page, it never shows the popup again. Maybe they are marking my IP as registered user.



Overlord Emeritus
Being a logged in, registered member of Tom's Hardware can help you avoid some of those types of things. We do have a few items we present to brand spankin' new users to help guide them a little. Logging in turns all of that off.