R9 290 vs 780 (Help choosing video card)


Dec 10, 2013
So i am looking at either getting one of these two options.

A Sapphire AMD R9-290


EVGA GTX 780 Superclocked

to be exact the link below on newegg

To start, i do not overclock. I do not have the experience making these type of changes nor the interest to. Only way i have something overclocked is from the factory.

Off the new Benchmarks from this site, it rates the Superclocked GTX 780 over the R9 290.

So this is.. the GTX Superclocked vs the R9-290 with whatever custom cooler comes on it.

My monitors.
I will be using 3x 24" 1920x1080 for Battlefield 4.

This is my Motherboard + CPU if that helps.
CPU - Intel I7-4770k Haswell
Asus Z87-Pro Motherboard

Will i be able to do this on either card on Ultra settings ?

$540 for the 780 is the top of my price range.

Thanks for the help


Oct 31, 2013
Are you using 3 monitors? The R9 290 is better than the GTX 780 in term of price depends on your budget. The GTX 780 is slower than the R9 290 except if its superclocked by EVGA. But as i heard the R9 290 works better with higher resolution since you want to play on three monitor. You might play it at High or Ultra with no MSAA. Oh and yeah Battlefield 4 prefers AMD especially using the Mantle


Oct 2, 2013
I am having to make the same decision myself with the gpus, but in my instance, i am planning to wait a while for 3 monitors. And me personally, have heard great things about both cards, but I will probably end up getting the gtx 780. The reasons being 1. I'm in a bit of a hurry to complete my build, and there aren't really any good trusted aftermarket cards out yet for the 290. 2. I get AC4 for free with the 780(as of jan 24), and 3. I have heard 780 has a little better performance, but barely any difference. The only reason I would have gotten a 290 is for the optimization for some games and the extra vram, but I am afraid to spend a little more on a card brand new that I don't quite trust yet.
Also I know the 780 has better cooling and is superclocked, hoped this helps.


Nov 5, 2012
Sapphire has the tri-x R9 290 that is a trusted, worthy opponent to the 780. I think if I were to go non reference it would be with Sapphire.