Why does my PC have so many problems and yet my laptop has none?


Nov 18, 2013
So my laptop is 4 years old and it has crashed once and overheated once. That's it. Lats year I got a PC and ever since then i have had issues with it, I'll list them in order:

So for the first few months until about March I have a lagging problem and I have said what that was so many times I am not doing it again, solved it with malware protection because I realized I had none. Then it would freeze randomly for no reason every 2 days though i could trigger it by copying over large amounts of data from one drive to another. By this point I had already done several reinstalls of the OS and finally the problem went away for whatever reason a few installs later, i have no idea why! Fast forward to earlier today and ir has been running fine apart from the occasional freeze which can be expected I am told with Windows though I have wanted the use of the USB 3 ports so I installed the driver and then it started freezing like before again. i removed it and it's all been peachy since.

Why is my PC acting so weird when my laptop is perfectly alright? I scan my computer twice a day so there are no viruses on here.