i5 vs i7 Mid Range Gaming Rig


Jan 1, 2014
I've been going back and forth, over the past week, trying to decide whether to go with an i5 or an i7, z87 or h87. I'm upgrading because my Core 2 quad with DDR2 just can't quite hang in there with the newer games. I don't really do anything with my system except games (BF4, WoW, CoD).

Question: If I don't care about overclocking, and I want a decent rig, should I go for the H87 chipset with an i7? Additionally, how do you think the GTX 580 will work with either rig? Should I look at upgrading it as well? Recommendations would be appreciated if you think I need to replace it.

Overclock: No
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Parts to Upgrade: Everything in the links below except the video card (I already have the GTX 580)

i5 Build -> http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Taelo/saved/3iGJ
i7 Build -> http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Taelo/saved/3iGj

Thank you all for your help and insight!


Jul 16, 2013
nah 580 will last you long for quite more years. stick with it.
for CPU +1 with above guy.
i7 only needed if you gonna do some very intensive capturing , rendering due to 2 more cores + hyper threading like technology support.
i5 like 4670k is more than enoguh for gaming with a decent Z87 mobo and a cpu cooler for future proofing in case you want overclocking if you need some boost in future