Who decides on "solved?"

Several times now I asked a question, and if I do not choose a solution (maybe because I don't think any one answer is the "right" answer, then eventually it appears as "solved."

It is my suspicion that the person whose post is so chosen marks it as such to get the points associated with solving questions. But it's a blatant rip-off.

In one specific instance, I asked about a build. I got some good advice, but ultimately the answer now chosen as the solution was not really spot-on. I did not want to criticize the person's suggestions, but I know they were not the best or appropriate.

Now that thread has a bad answer as the solution. This is NOT right and not a good place to make Tom's a good reference.
I think it has something to do with the fact that before Tom's came out with their new site design and protocols, only the OPs and moderators could select a best answer on a thread. But most OPs never used to choose one and it was left just as unsolved. So it could be to make a thread solved with the most appropriate answer that most members with a certain number of BAs are given the ability to select one.
But I understand your concern. Maybe some of the older mods can help out.
I think it has something to do with the fact that before Tom's came out with their new site design and protocols, only the OPs and moderators could select a best answer on a thread. But most OPs never used to choose one and it was left just as unsolved. So it could be to make a thread solved with the most appropriate answer that most members with a certain number of BAs are given the ability to select one.
But I understand your concern. Maybe some of the older mods can help out.
^ What you have said is pretty much the reason it is the way it is now.
Too many threads would go "unsolved" even if there were quality answers inside as the OP just never selected a BA. The idea of anyone (who fits requirements) being able to select a BA was to ensure a higher percentage of threads are marked as solved, which makes it easier for anyone who punches that question into Google and finds our threads to see instantly where the answer is.