Losing Interest in Video Games?


Jan 5, 2013
I just wanted to start this discussion to see if anybody else is or has experienced this same thing, and what your thoughts on it are.

I've been gaming to a 'hardcore' standard since about the age of 11, and I am now 18. The problem is, recently I've really started to lose interest in video games and I just can't seem to enjoy them as much as I did a few years ago. I used to be heavily into MMO's with the ability to play for hours and hours on end without losing enjoyment. I used to love gaming so much that I'd genuinely jump out of bed in the morning feeling excited to continue my in-game progression.

Now though, I will literally turn on my PC, boot up a game like Battlefield 4 or Elder Scrolls Online and after 30 minutes or so I'm just completely zoned out with boredom. I will then look at my list of games and contemplate each and every game for whether I should play it or not, but there's just no will power.

Perhaps it's just the realisation of being an adult and having other things on my mind like getting a job or completing education and whatnot. I feel a need to enjoy games, but it's extremely hard for me to find a game nowadays that I genuinely enjoy...


Apr 17, 2013
Hey dude,

no, you are not alone. I feel the same way but it only took you 7 years whereas it took me almost 30.

It's not a bad thing, it's actually a good thing that you are not enjoying them. You can now do something productive (education, job, carrier) rather than waste 90% of your time gaming.

Gaming is just like any other addiction. That's how so many drug addicts die from overdose - at first you are ok with only 1 fix a day, than 2, 3, 4 and the more drugs you take the less of a "kick" you feel. That's what I've read about drugs anyway, I haven't taken any myself.

Nowadays more and more often I find myself scrolling up and down my list of games, unisntall some, install others but nothing seems to bring me the joy I used to feel before.

Take the opportunity and do something meaningful with your life. But take everything with a pinch of salt. We people are just prone to addictions - I've met people addicted with their job, with their spouse, with their car, with their pets etc. etc. You need a healthy balance. Play some, when bored get up, and do some fitness, or go fishing, or read a book.



Mar 10, 2013
I'm 15 and this seems to happen to me occasionally. I have phases with certain games where I may not play them for months then suddenly have the urge to do so. It isn't really a waste of time as its what you enjoy doing. I guess I'm lucky enough to still be with my parents and have a pretty minute responsibility in the "grand scheme."


Apr 17, 2014
I ran into the same problem as you recently. I'd say when you're bored of games, use the time to find a new hobby, or focus on some school work, you'll notice a massive increase in productivity. Eventually for me, I found some games I enjoyed again and got back into it, not to the same extent, but back into it nonetheless.


Mar 13, 2014
Yeah I totally get where you're coming from. I'm 20 and have played video games for most of my life. I don't play nearly as much as I used to and there are a few reasons for that. For one, I'm in college now and am always busy with a ton of schoolwork. Second, I've played a lot of games so it's harder for me to get impressed by a video game compared to younger me. Third, I think it's a lack of any good stuff coming out now a day. For me to have fun, I think the most important thing a video game needs is a great story where I can become attached to the characters and such. Of course, decent gameplay and mechanics have to be there too, but story/narrative is super important. Our tastes in video games are probably different but I'll list some games that I truly had fun playing.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 (played this when I was little, wasn't even a Star Wars fan back then but still had fun)
Mass Effect 1, 2, & 3 (my absolute favorite game series of all time, had such a blast playing this even with the disappointing ending)
Uncharted 1, 2, & 3 (interesting characters, action packed heart pounding sequences. I love Indiana Jones so this was an instant hit with me)
The Last of Us (great story/journey and I got attached to Ellie cuz she's so awesome)
Halo 3 multiplayer (me and my friends would always make crazy maps on forge, good times)
One of the open world Spiderman games, I don't remember which lol (My favorite childhood superhero was Spiderman so when I got to sling through New York City in an open world, my mind was blown. I also didn't have much experience with open world video games at the time so my mind was doubly blown because there was so much freedom)
I'm sure there's a lot more I'm not remembering but yeah.

as for future games, I'm so psyched for Watch Dogs. I literally google it every day just in case there's new info about it hah.

At the end of the day, video games are suppose to be enjoyable and if you feel that you aren't getting much out of it anymore then that's okay too. That means you just have to go out there in the world and try new things. Maybe you'll discover a new hobby that gives you that sense of enjoyment/happiness that you used to get from video games.