Horrible Community and Moderators?

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Jun 9, 2014
I just read this thread http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/256945-45-sabotage and was absolutely appalled. I myself have still not received any responses to what I feel is Microsoft sabotaging their own products and now I am glad. Someone asks a simple question and they get "BULLIED" to no end! This bullying came from not only veterans of the forum, but from moderators as well. There is clearly an issue with documented problems, but instead of behaving civilized, these people were atrocious in their treatment of the OP. If you have an opinion, that's fine, but please be RESPECTFUL. I've had my own issues and completely agree with ram1009 that something is amiss and that this needs to be looked at with great consideration, rather than simply dismissing the idea and the people that bring it up in such a disrespectful fashion. I don't disagree with the idea that alot of people's issues are self inflicted, but if someone has experienced an issue, you should at least hear them out or help them to see that it was self inflicted. I bet most of you aren't aware that the download rate on XP is having issues right now. I work for a major corporation and we are experiencing issues. I have also found my home PCs to be having the same issues. Difference is, I can do things at my home to fix these issues that I can't at work. You maybe lucky or it maybe something else, but if you're going to continue to be jerks, then NONE of us will ever find out!
the moderation team we have here is very civil and is a great group of people.

the forums are also very clean and we do our best to keep it family friendly. any bullying is taken very seriously and is dealt with accordingly.

that post is similar in nature to one i responded to awhile back before i became a mod. the user is so stuck on their opinion that they take the opposing statements as insults and turn the tone of the thread argumentative. then there are always the people who feel the need to post replies to an old thread saying how the person opposing them is a bad person. i was accused of this personally and i was about as civil as anyone you would meet anywhere. i even went out of my way to try and answer the question but they...
this is about the easiest bunch to get along with that ive ever had the pleasure of being a part of.that being said conspiracy theories,and i mean theories,will be a target on any site.except maybe contrails.com LOL.the only thing wrong with xp is that people are still using it.its been over 12 years for christs sake.let it go.surely you dont think that you are the only person on the face of the earth thats entitled to an opinion do you?


Jun 9, 2014
I'm not saying it's not time to change my OSes, I'm just saying people should be more open to discussing issues, rather than bashing one another. I had nothing to do with that thread and was just reading through it and I was appalled as a newcomer to this site. After reading that, I don't think I'll use this forum any further. It was clear cut bullying against the OP, plain and simple.
just read every post in that thread and i see no bullying,but rather a marked difference of opinion.some marked by evidence and some by opinion.thats all.if anyone believes ms is conspiring against them feel free to use linux.it is,after all,a free world so to speak.


Overlord Emeritus
The thread in question is 3 years old. Typically if there's going to be discussion of pertinent technical issues and seeking assistance, it precludes conspiracy theories (except for those permitted in the politics section of News & Leisure).

Tom's prides itself on being incredibly welcoming and open to all users, regardless of technical proficiency or predilection. I didn't see the bullying in that thread you mentioned, but as others said here, merely opposition to the assertion of the original poster.

If you do happen to stumble upon bullying or mistreatment of a user here on Tom's, please report it immediately to a moderator.

Thanks all!

Er ... some of those guys were not moderators back when the thread was posted ... to be fair... only one of them in fact and he posted civilly and works at a bank as a senior network engineer (degree trained).

At the time the thread was running there were several issues with the MS "Tuesday updates" which were related to users who had old systems which required multiple updates, and the users had recently changed their update protocol for XP.

I found no instances of malicious or inappropriate leaks of bad updates around that time from MS.

In fact MS released several "hotfixes" for some of the issues with older systems getting multiple updates.

I found out most of this using google ... not paranoia.

I don't have any IT qualifications ... mine are in engineering, quality and competency assurance, and psychology ... take from that what you will ... qualifications are like bumper stickers here.

To be fair the community manager had also only just rolled out the "Family Friendly" ethos here and begun a forum cleanup ... with only 15 mods on staff.

Now its compadre n span !!!

Please wipe your feet on the mat provided !!

the moderation team we have here is very civil and is a great group of people.

the forums are also very clean and we do our best to keep it family friendly. any bullying is taken very seriously and is dealt with accordingly.

that post is similar in nature to one i responded to awhile back before i became a mod. the user is so stuck on their opinion that they take the opposing statements as insults and turn the tone of the thread argumentative. then there are always the people who feel the need to post replies to an old thread saying how the person opposing them is a bad person. i was accused of this personally and i was about as civil as anyone you would meet anywhere. i even went out of my way to try and answer the question but they took the advice as an insult because my advice was counter to their own opinion.

in the case of that thread people who worked on literally thousands of computers stated that there was no such issue going around. they would have noted it. reynod above makes a valid point and likely the reason for the issues. its far easier to blame microsoft for a conspiracy though than to try and find a solution. while i saw a few snide comments there was no bullying.

also its not fair to judge a whole community by just one post. if you looked around more you would realize that this is a very helpful community with knowledgeable people and staff. that would be the equivalent of someone judging you based on just one sentence that you spoke in a day which may not always be very flattering. it in no way represents the whole.
That post was filled with unsupported accusations that MS was tinkering with XP to make it run bad.

The fun part about unsupported ccustions is that you can make as many of them as you like based on anything and the only refutal you need to make it "but it's possible".

I was poster in that 3 year old thread, don't know what one would call bullying there, unless you mean "disagreing with silly statements that are not proven by any evidence". There are many that think the goverment is covering up BigFoot, UFOs, Elvis being alive, Jesus is working for the IRS, etc... all those are in the same vein as that XP thread. Could it be true? Sure, maybe. Is it? I'd say 99.9% it's not.
I also posted in that ancient thread. Re-reading it I am struck by the fact that, as far as I can see, everyone who agreed with the OP's theories posted just once in Tom's - their post in that thread - and have not posted before or after.

Now I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but ....
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