Monitor screen tearing (help)


Jul 22, 2014
This isn't the traditional type of tearing you would think of, I just could not think of any other word besides "tearing" to describe it. At the moment this issue is not occuring, but I am going to try to grab a screenshot of it in action as I'm typing this thread.

So, I started experiencing this issue this morning, changed up my VGA cord, cleaned up my GPU, and the rest of the works, updated my driver (was already up to date), tried checking my refresh rates (were the same as always), bottom line it's still occuring, but why it is occuring is what I'm trying to get to the bottom of.

The best description of the event would be it kind of reminds me of an old Cable TV (think 1990s) when you're tuned onto a bad channel and you get that staticy black&white horizontal lines down the middle, followed by a jumpy, fidgety image distortion. Do not be confused, my screen is working, as I'm on the computer with the issue at the moment.

I also do not believe it is my GPU, as I'm using a 4 month old AMD R7 2gb, I have reasons to believe this could be due to an electronical intereference (or maybe I'm just trying to use excuses not to replace my screen)

Monitor stats are res :1440x900, 60hz refresh, 16.5" display

Note: Occurred while typing this out, though a quick screenshot did not capture the effects, which definitely makes me believe it is the screen itself, any input would be helpful, thanks.