Avatar has been Rejected?


Sep 17, 2013
Hello All, I uploaded an avatar earlier tonight to flare up my profile, however I received an email a few hours later stating that it was rejected. There was no other explanation as to why or reason given. The link to the image is here I have tried to find the rules regarding avatar images, however the only thing I can find are rules pertaining to signatures. I was unaware that images pertaining to video game fiction was deemed against the rules. Could someone Please help clear this up for me I'm confused.


Sep 17, 2013

I agree, however the issue for me is I received no reason as to why the Image was rejected, It was the correct size. Also, Judging by what I have seen Since my time began here there are a lot worse avatars than the one I chose that Says ARMY.....

I recommend contacting a Mod if they don't mind. ;) They are all friendly and have helped me since I began the forum last month. :D that's make my like this place.
your signature can be a maximum 0f 100x100 or the system will automatically reject your avatar.

once the system accepts the avatar (its 100x100 or smaller and not too large in file size) it then goes to mod approval where we can either approve or remove it.

generally as long as it is not offensive, corporate advertising or contain things like web addresses or emails on it we push the approve button.


that logo would pass by our approval process... so it must be that the image was too big.


Sep 17, 2013
Thanks for all of your responses. I spoke with a mod and figured out the problem. The Mod Instructed me to rename the file. When I initially uploaded the File It was too large. After I resized the Image, the site took it. It was rejected because the File name was the same as the File I attempted to submit that was too large. Thanks All