Fellow builders! What inspired you?

unplanned bacon

Jan 11, 2014
What inspired you to build your first/current rig?

For me it was the eight generation consoles. I'd played around with the idea for a bit before then as a replacement to my laptop, seeing what prebuilt laptops were offering, but had never been serious about it.

E3 2013 changed all that. The new consoles didn't impress me much, my laptop was just over the hill and on it's way to death or becoming unusable (it's only a matter of time, given the issues it has and has had) so I got serious about it. The idea was build a gaming and entertainment PC that can take on every game maxed (or as near as possible). So far I'd say it'd been worth every penny (even the overspent ones), the late nights fixing issues, the long hours putting it together, cable routing nightmares etc and I've learnt a lot, plus gained a new interest :D

Plus, the saving over Alienware has been insane (I once rated both them and Dell, but not anymore)

So, what inspired you and has it been worth it?