Green Dots on New 1440p monitors


Sep 7, 2014
Recently, I bought two new 1440p 27" QNIX monitors. To power these displays, I run two GTX 770's in SLI. The setup worked great for about two weeks, until yesterday when I turned on my computer and green dots were all over my screens. The green dots move and change according to the color they are trying to display, and when I tried the monitors on my other computer, they were flawless. Also, when I use my computer on my old 1080p monitor, the screen doesn't have any flaws at all. I have tried numerous things, including trying out each individual card by itself (including my old GTX 670), updating all my video drivers, testing the DVI cables, and I have had no success getting rid of the pesky green dots. If someone could please help me figure this out, I would be greatly appreciative. Thanks!