Annoying post copycat

I don't mean to be nit picky, but isn't there some kind of forum rules against following behind somebody and reposting almost exactly word for word, and in some cases exactly word for word, what a member has already posted. I've got this newb tailing the same threads I've posted in and repeating the exact same recommendations on multiple threads. It's no real BIG deal, but it's pretty annoying. And I don't mean like simultaneously, like 30 min later. Just wondering.

Here's an example. What a turd. Sorry, just had to say that.


No, there's no rule against that.

Many of the posts on these forums have answers are of the routine variety...

No, there's no rule against that.

Many of the posts on these forums have answers are of the routine variety (we're one of the few forums that doesn't have a search first policy) and it's not uncommon for some active users to post drive-by responses, especially to the simple ones. Now, a drive-by 30 minutes later is a bit unusual but I've responded to many threads without first taking the time to even see if the question had been answered; it's a force of habit I guess. Other times I'll post more or less the same advice as someone else, but with additional information; when I do this I try to quote the original responder though.
I try to usually use the quote feature anytime I'm repeating what's been said by another member or from elsewhere. Occasionally, when in a hurry I do just use a quick copy and paste but I try not to do that when it comes to statements other members have made. And I don't ever do it in the exact same thread I took the info from. I think there should be something that addresses that issue but I know it's another drop in a sea of drops.