What Specs Should I Look for in a Monitor, and What Graphics Card Can I Use for 1440p Monitors?


Jan 22, 2014
Hello, I've recently been thinking about my new build, and what graphics card/monitor to get and I've come into an area of confusion. After looking around a bit, I'm still confused and so I'm hoping I can bug you guys here at Tom's Hardware with my copious questions.

To start, I'm looking for a monitor, but I don't know quite what to look for. I really want a 1440p monitor since I have never seen or used one before, and I feel like it would be awesome. But I've also heard that refresh rate is really important in a monitor. As far as usage goes, I plan on using it for non-competitive gaming, but some pretty big games nonetheless (Star Citizen in particular). I want a really good looking experience, and something that runs smoothly.

I've also heard that a GTX 970 might not be enough to use with 1440p monitors. I plan on getting 2 monitors (and while I really want 1440p monitors, if you guys think strongly against it, I'd take your expertise to heart), in addition to my current 1080p monitor. So, would even 2 SLI'd 970s be enough to handle 2 x 1440p (or 1080p if suggested) monitors and 1 x 1080p monitor? I'm looking for a good FPS of around 60 with high graphics settings. Is it necessary that I move up to the 980 for this?

And as a final question (though unrelated to this topic. Sorry): If I run an i5-4690k that I plan on OC'ing would that possibly bottleneck any of my graphics, or should I be all set with that CPU?

Sorry for the meaty post, but any help that you guys can offer me with any aspect of this will be greatly appreciated.
As per always, thank you all very much for even just reading this far!