HannStar 19in LCD display: Want to use the old screen as a in desk surface.

Branden Bowser

Dec 19, 2014
Okay so basically I have a monitor that went bad. Started taking longer and longer to turn on when I would start the computer then one day it just didnt come up at all any more. So, what I want to do is take the screen and just the screen and cut out a piece of my desk and mount the screen in it as a kind of cool mousepad or something while I have some animated background going on with the screen.

My question is this: How do I go about actually hooking this thing up? What would I need to do with the monitor to get it to work?

It is an HSD190MGW1. I posted pictures below of what I have. If anyone knows anything about making use of old screens and repurposing them that would be great. Like I said I just want to use the screen part since some other component in the monitor is dead.





I don't understand how you expect to take a BROKEN monitor, then mount it and suddenly have it work.

What you want to do requires a working monitor to start (or you need to FIX the problem), and as a project may not be that simple either.

BEN HECK has a site and he's done amazing things like put game consoles into custom designed laptops: http://www.benheck.com/