Degree of study? IT


Jan 14, 2015
I'm wanting to go to college for a degree in IT / computer science. However im not 100% sure what area i should study. IT Desktop support specialists is a degree im looking at however my communication skills are a problem. Im very shy, borderline hate human interaction :). This is my weak spot. Is there any area of study, IT, programming ect that doesnt require a lot of human interaction? My dream job would be that one guy in the back of the office no one knows or talks to but goes to work everyday and gets **** done basically..

What degrees should i be looking at in this case?


Not sure about online universities, but all in-person colleges require public speaking as a required course.

Pretty much all IT functions are within 9-5 corporations. You won't be able to avoid human interaction completely. Anything less then that and you would basically be working for yourself, so human interaction again.

Possibly text only helpdesk situations at major service providers (think Comcast), but you will still need to interact with other employees and your manager.

Computer science is a whole other ball game then desktop support (there are IT degrees, but Desktop Support would be more of a certification). CS is basically programming. Whole applications, databases, etc.

Most 2 year IT degrees from a local or state college will cover basics of PC usage, maintenance, and programming. A great place to start if you are unsure, you will see a bit of everything.

Computer Information Technology degrees from a major university will be more focused on programming, math, logic, and electronics.

Computer Science degrees will go into a much deeper level of programming, logic, and math. A bachelor's degree will cover operating system development and up.