why my computer with a new cpu is not booting ... just black screen

Alecss Alecs

Jan 30, 2015
Hello there guyz , i just bought a new asus H81M E , 8 gb Corssair blue vengeance 2x4 and i5 4460 hasswel 3.2 , installed them and the cpu is not starting i guess because i got a black screen and no boot signs ... i got new bios update and still not working , i need some help because i don t know what to do (and sorry if my english is bad i'm from Romania) ^ ^ ty
Apart from the obvious:

1. Not all electrical connections have been made
2. Not all components have been installed correctly
3. One of the installed components are defective

I don't know how we can help you with that little information.


Alecss Alecs

Jan 30, 2015
everything was plugged in and components installed correctly at a computer shop and service, they are good and i trust them , and i was there to see , so nothing wrong , the motherboard is working tested with 2 different cpu's , same story with the ram memories , video card working , power source working , one of my friends told me that when you buy a new cpu 4th generation with haswell you need to update bios with another haswell , or the motherboard won't recognize the cpu , is that true ? i need another haswell for bios update ?

Alecss Alecs

Jan 30, 2015
this is the second cpu , i got the same problem with the first one .... well ok , i will send this one too back , ty for answearing :D

Then it is highly unlikely that you got 2 defective CPUs in a row. However, omitting facts like that is part of what makes it hard or impossible to advise you with any specific and concrete advice.