Nerds Getting Too Popular

Nerds are getting status like other celebrities, so much so that BestBuy is featuring nerds in their advertising.

Current Best Buy commercial has a self proclaimed "techno geek" going on about him being assigned to "beta test" a TV sitting there on his store shelf.

Memo to Ad Department:

1. Ya can't beta test a product that has already sitting on your shelf dude.

2. If ya "gonna go there", hire a nerd to write ya ad copy.


Reynod, I worked on an electrical engineers home custom building cabinets, and he had a closet set in brick work inside the home that he wanted converted to a microwave over a double oven setup.

He came to me all puffed up, and informed me he was going to inspect behind me regarding every bit of the electrical work I did for him.


Ah... the bar for nerdom has slipped yet another rung


Jan 21, 2011
There is a difference between nerd and technologically literate.

Technology has always been in "fashion" and now that technology and social culture has become so incredibly intertwined (Social media being the main driving force). They are pitching that by simply using technology you are "nerdy" because it helps sell products, nerds are now good because technology is now good.

But.... I consider a nerd a person that starts a fist fight over Star Wars extended universe canon and spends obscene amounts of time figuring out their technology not just using it.

Deleted member 217926

This remains my all time favorite commentary on the subject:

Men Who Use Computers Are The New Sex Symbols Of The `90s

(By Scott Adams, Windows Magazine, May 1995.)

I get about 100 e-mail messages a day from readers of my comic strip Dilbert. Most are from disgruntled office workers, psychopaths, stalkers, comic-strip fans -- that sort of person. But a growing number are from women who write to say they think Dilbert is sexy. Some say they've already married a Dilbert and couldn't be happier.

If you're not familiar with Dilbert, he's an electrical engineer who spends most of his time with his computer. He's a nice guy, but not exactly Kevin Costner.

Okay, Dilbert is polite, honest, employed and educated. And he stays home. These are good traits, but they don't exactly explain the incredible sex appeal. So what's the attraction?

I think it's a Darwinian thing. We're attracted to the people who have the best ability to survive and thrive. In the old days it was important to be able to run down an antelope and kill it with a single blow to the forehead.

But that skill is becoming less important every year.

Now all that matters is if you can install your own Ethernet card without having to call tech support and confess your inadequacies to a stranger whose best career option is to work in tech support.

It's obvious that the world has three distinct classes of people, each with its own evolutionary destiny:

Knowledgeable computer users who will evolve into godlike non-corporeal beings who rule the universe (except for those who work in tech support).

Computer owners who try to pass as knowledgeable but secretly use hand calculators to add totals to their Excel spreadsheets. This group will gravitate toward jobs as high school principals and operators of pet crematoriums. Eventually they will become extinct.

Non-computer users who will grow tails, sit in zoos and fling dung at tourists.

Obviously, if you're a woman and you're trying to decide which evolutionary track you want your offspring to take, you don't want to put them on the luge ride to the dung-flinging Olympics. You want a real man. You want a knowledgeable computer user with evolution potential.

And women prefer men who listen. Computer users are excellent listeners because they can look at you for long periods of time without saying anything. Granted, early in a relationship it's better if the guy actually talks. But men use up all the stories they'll ever have after six months. If a woman marries a guy who's in, let's say, retail sales, she'll get repeat stories starting in the seventh month and lasting forever. Marry an engineer and she gets a great listener for the next 70 years.

Plus, with the ozone layer evaporating, it's a good strategy to mate with somebody who has an indoor hobby. Outdoorsy men are applying suntan lotion with SPF 10,000 and yet by the age of 30 they still look like dried chili peppers in pants. Compare that with the healthy glow of a man who spends 12 hours a day in front of a video screen.

It's also well established that computer users are better lovers. I know because I heard an actual anecdote from someone who knew a woman who married a computer user and they reportedly had sex many times. I realize this isn't statistically valid, but you have to admit it's the most persuasive thing I've written so far.

If you still doubt the sexiness of male PC users, consider their hair. They tend to have either: (1) male pattern baldness -- a sign of elevated testosterone -- or (2) unkempt jungle hair -- the kind you see only on people who just finished a frenzied bout of lovemaking. If this were a trial I think we could reach a verdict on the strong circumstantial evidence alone.

I realize there are a lot of skeptics out there. They'll delight in pointing out the number of computer users who wear wrist braces and suggest it isn't the repetitive use of the keyboard that causes the problem. That's okay. Someday those skeptics will be flinging dung at tourists. Then who'll be laughing? (Answer to rhetorical question: everybody but the tourists.)

Henry Kissinger said power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. And Bill Clinton said that knowledge is power. Therefore, logically, according to the US government, knowledge of computers is the ultimate aphrodisiac. You could argue with me -- I'm just a cartoonist -- but it's hard to argue with the government. Remember, they run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, so they must know a thing or two about satisfying women.

You might think this was enough to convince anyone that men who use computers are sexy. But look at it from my point of view: I'm getting paid by the word for this article. I'm not done yet.

In less enlightened times, the best way to impress women was to own a hot car. But women wised up and realized it was better to buy their own hot cars so they wouldn't have to ride around with jerks.

Technology has replaced hot cars as the new symbol of robust manhood. Men know that unless they get a digital line to the Internet no woman is going to look at them twice.

It's getting worse. Soon anyone who's not on the World Wide Web will qualify for a government subsidy for the home-pageless. And nobody likes a man who takes money from the government, except maybe Marilyn Monroe, which is why the CIA killed her. And if you think that's stupid, I've got 100 words to go.

Finally, there's the issue of mood lighting. Nothing looks sexier than a man in boxer shorts illuminated only by a 15-inch SVGA monitor. If we agree that this is every woman's dream scenario, then I think we can also agree that it's best if the guy knows how to use the computer. Otherwise, he'll just look like a loser sitting in front of a PC in his underwear.

In summary, it's not that I think non-PC users are less attractive. It's just that I'm sure they won't read this article.

musical marv

Feb 26, 2011
What is wrong with Nerds?

Seriously I work on a massive project with some of the brightest engineers (all areas) on the planet ... and the hot chicks don't go for them. Its hilarious to see. Most of them struggle to tie up their shoelaces. They all end up with fugly ones. There must be 500 engineers and scientists here ... the hotties still go for the jocks. Your dreaming if you think women are attracted to brains ...

Reynod, I worked on an electrical engineers home custom building cabinets, and he had a closet set in brick work inside the home that he wanted converted to a microwave over a double oven setup.

He came to me all puffed up, and informed me he was going to inspect behind me regarding every bit of the electrical work I did for him.

Also he was not going to allow me to wire the double oven, but I could wire the outlet for the microwave, I said that's fine by me!

He wired the oven using a plastic junction box, basically the same type boxes that are installed on raw wooden studs before Sheetrock or any type wall surface is applied, I used the standard metal conduit and a metal box screwed and secured to the brick work.

About two days later he came up to me and apologized for acting like he knew everything, told me he had inspected my work, and what I did made his work look like a monkey did it, (no offense to the monkeys of this world!), and he asked me if I would take apart what he did and redo it like I would do it.

Sure! no problem!

There is a big difference between knowing something book wise, and actually knowing how to apply it in a hands on experience. :)



Mar 18, 2015

This is true.

Especially if there's money to be had with that jock. Probably why the evolution of man takes so damn long too. Genes that should be bred out keep jumping onward to the next generation.

I'm lucky though, I have the brain of a nerd but the body of a jock. Best of both worlds baby.