Computer Engineering Options


Nov 24, 2014
Hi, first of all I apologize in advance, because I'm pretty sure this is not the proper thread to post this, if anything I'll re-open it somewhere else.

Anyways, I'm currently taking computer engineering in school, however I'm not really sure of what is it that I want to do...

I love the relationship between hardware and software. So I assume that would be related to programming? I wanted a career that would satisfy my curiosity about computers. I love looking up new technologies, and how the system interacts with each component, specially in the graphics department.

I have an understanding of simple things, like building computers, programming, optimization, over clocking, etc.

Anyone has idea of something that would head me in the direction of what I like?


Nov 2, 2014
computer science will be good as it deals with hardware and software too go ahead learn new thing help peoples on forums the best way to learn online go ahead I am too a computer science student

Computer engineer here,

Computer Engineering is a subfield of electrical engineering that focuses on the design of computational systems and digital system.

There is a fair bit of programming in computer engineering but it's not application programming, it's very low level and very detail oriented.


Nov 24, 2014

Thank you for your answer! It would be great if you could explain it a little more detailed, for example:

Let's say in want to work in the development of a graphics card, would science and engineering both apply here? Like engineering would be the one developing the graphics card itself, and science would be the one crating the interaction of the hardware and the OS?

Btw, I love computer troubleshooting, and although I'm very very far from the best, I have had a quite good amount of experience of with it (I'm the go to guy if my friends have a computer problem before they take it to a repair shop).

It's funny that you should ask that question because I've literally spent the last day or so developing my own VGA controller for use on my mountain of Altera dev boards.

All modern tech companies will have a variety of computer scientists, computer engineers, electrical engineers, chemical engineers, and even materials engineers on staff. There's a huge amount of cross over between computer science and computer engineering, and a huge amount of cross over between computer engineering and electrical engineering. After a couple of years in the industry it doesn't matter what degree one has except for legal reasons (P.Eng for example).

Computer troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair are Information Technology fields, not engineering. Many engineers are going to be reasonably proficient in IT by virtue of interest and hobbies. I was extremely interested in IT as a kid; I could strip, rebuild, debug, and repair PCs on my own before I was 10 years old. After so many years of doing that it just got boring, I was more interested in what happened inside than I was in the final result and that led me to where I am now.


Nov 24, 2014

Really helped out man! Thanks a lot!