What salary to expect?


Nov 6, 2011
Hello everyone,

I was offered a job recently. I know there are many variables, but I'll try to knock out the big ones. The job will be 20 hours of Help Desk, and 20 hours of Junior Systems Administrator. I only have several months of a part time internship (10 hours a week, give and take) under my belt and no college degree (though actively in school and will get one in about a year). It will be a yearly salary. They gave me an expected salary range, but they wanted me to come up with a number as well for negotiating. I live in Colorado, if that helps with area wages.

I won't say what numbers I came up with nor theirs, but I do want input from others on what they think or know what a salary for this kind of position should be. Thank you all in advance.


Help desk and System Admins seems like opposite sides of the spectrum. You may be better off researching job positions in your area to see what the advertised starting pays are. You are getting into a technical job, I would at least put a lower limit of about the median pay in your area.