local ftp server though a splitter on centos server (minimum build)


Jul 6, 2015
Hello, i set up a centos 7 server, and installed vsftpd fully, though this guide, followed it exactly(Edit: i had to redissable 'chroot_local_user=YES' in "vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf" to beable to even sign in from the server) "http://www.liquidweb.com/kb/how-to-install-and-configure-vsftpd-on-centos-7/"; i am able to login to the ftp on the server its self with: ftp however when i try and connect, from a fedora 20, connected via a splitter in the network, it will give the following error: "ftp: connect:No route to host." i have disabled the firewalls and made an exception in the iptables, of the server you can ping the server from the client computer

any amount of feed back would be amazing!!
What you define as a "splitter"?

Your Fedora it telling that it cannot reach your FTP computer. This is TCP (networking) issue, and has nothing to do (yet) with your FTP, so you have to sort it out first. Make sure you can "ping" from your Fedora client.


Jul 6, 2015

it is a internet spliter(also known as a switch but that tends to mean from one output to another...): http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/121321340730-0-1/s-l1000.jpg

i understand that it is a porting issue but like i said i allowed the port(21) in the iptables and i dissabled the firewall, as well like i said in my origial post i can ping the server computer, from the fedora computer.. thank you for responding though!