Why do 60 fps feel much smoother on a next gen console than on a pc?


Feb 22, 2015
Let's say I play a game on computer, the game is running on 60fps, and then I play the same game on a next gen console (60fps). Why does it feel like computer on 60fps is a bit laggy and stuttery, whilst on a next gen console it feels much more smoother. Does anyone feel this way?
pc games need to be compatible with very wide range of hardware as pcs tend to be of various configurations in terms of hardware and software. this adds to some overhead (among many other factors).

console games need to run on only one set of hardware and a very "thin" operating system that sorta just maintains an interface between the software and hardware. since coding is for a single hardware spec, the console hardware can be more directly programmed with far less overhead compared to pcs.
pc games need to be compatible with very wide range of hardware as pcs tend to be of various configurations in terms of hardware and software. this adds to some overhead (among many other factors).

console games need to run on only one set of hardware and a very "thin" operating system that sorta just maintains an interface between the software and hardware. since coding is for a single hardware spec, the console hardware can be more directly programmed with far less overhead compared to pcs.
many ps4 games only run at 30fps while a few run at 60fps. if anything a ps4 should be more laggy and stutter more than pc.

the issue might be due to a difference in screens that you use if you use a pc monitor for pc and a tv for ps4. perhaps one has an issue with ghosting or similar.

You may notice some differences for various reason.

Computer configs are all over the place and the OS is doing lots of other stuff in the background while Consoles are designed to do one thing and the games only run on one configuration as said above.

Controllers tend to move slower than a mouse so jumps may not be as much of an issue and input lag is less noticeable. Try a 1000hz mouse if you are not already because even at 60hz it is noticeable.

Many newer(even 5 or more years old) TV's are 120/240hz and the scaling engine will insert extra frames to make this look smoother. The scalers in TVs have a down side(they are slow and add some input delay), but can enhance the image and create new frames to smooth out motion.

This may be a bad one, but many console ports to PC are not done quite right. This is kind of like how Orange Box was an awful port and they sent it to PS3.