Benq GL2460 monitor


Sep 3, 2015
I just bought a Benq GL2460. I has good picture quality...but i am used to my macbook and I thing colors just don't "pop" enough...Do you know any good alternatives to this monitor in it's price range?
wow, you bought a 24-inch TN-panel with 72% of the NTSC color gamut and you're surprised the colors "don't pop"? At that price point, I suspect that's what you're stuck with. You'd need to dig a little deeper for IPS and better color gamut. Comparing it to the superior quality of the Apple monitors (al lIPS, by the way) is not really a fair comparison.

For my own elucidation, which Macbook do you have that has a TN panel? I'm not aware that they do come with TN panels.

I don't think I can really recommend a monitor in the $130 range. Not if you care about image quality, etc. I'll have a look around, but don't hold your breath. Sorry.

Edit: Sorry, something just came to mind. Many people think colors "pop" on reflective (non matte) monitors. Might this be the issue with your monitor? You get matte (or non-reflective monitors) by application of the non-glare covering and that might dull some monitors. I remember buying a laptop some time back with a "bright" screen, and indeed, it was impressive, albeit tiresome. I prefer matte monitors.

If that might be the case, at least that gives you a clue on what to search for in your replacement monitor.


Sep 3, 2015
I have a Macbook pro which has a Samsung TN panel, you are right the colors "pop" because of the glossy display. Is there any IPS panel under 200$ that you can recommend? I have seen AOC i2369vm...