Tom's Hardware Giveaway- Civilization V: The Complete Edition!


Without going into my usual spiel, allow me to present this week’s giveaway prize: Civilization V: The Complete Edition!

Yes, we realize that there is technically a newer Civ out there, but everybody knows that Civ games are better after a few DLC have been released, so we’ve got three copies with all the DLC included!

Your weekly prompt: As a Civ leader, how would you approach the task of global domination? Will you be a sneaky warmonger (lookin’ at you, Ghandi!)? Do you rely on cultural supremacy, spreading your blue jeans and rock music to every corner of the world? How would you conquer the world, and how far would you go to accomplish your goals?

Winners will be randomly selected from among all eligible participants. Good luck!

(P.S.: We'll be taking a break from our weekly giveaways next week to enjoy Thanksgiving. We'll return on November 30th :))

Contest will run until 12 PM EST on Friday, November 20. That’s 12:00 noon. Winners will receive their prize as a Steam gift; a Steam account is required to receive and to play the game. One entry per user. Winners will be selected randomly from among eligible entries. Attempts to cheat the system will result in automatic disqualification.

Be sure to join our Steam group!

We’re always looking for volunteers to write community reviews for games, so if you’re interested, please reach out to me for more details.


Sep 14, 2012
Depends, I suppose.

In Civ II I was a warmonger. Clearly the best way to victory
In CIV IV I reached victory most often through cultural means. Although culture was sometimes used to have conquered cities be viable, and not engulfed in enemy culture left to starve.
I have not played CIV V.

In real life I would push to build space faring capacity without the 1.90m max height so many of our contemporary space agencies have and leave this dustbowl before Ghandi blows his top.


Jun 9, 2015
I would use religion to conquer the world. Using piety and honor to produce faith. I only played this game at my friends house would be awesome t get this game

Henry Cortes

Jun 17, 2014
Honestly, I would take over the world slowly and silently. I would just create a product that everyone will need in their lives, and once everyone in the world has one, then I begin using that as a stepping stone to complete domination. Nothing is more terrifying than something that you are constantly using in your everyday life that you don't suspect a thing from.

Math Geek

it is time for the geeks of the world to press their intellectual advantage and wipe the lesser beings from the planet.

the war mongering ape men that seem to be in control would have no power were it not for the geeks/nerds out there building and supporting the tech used to maintain their dominance. we simply turn all the tech against them and in a swift weekend of beautiful and well deserved carnage, we wipe out all the hatemongers and power brokers. once this is done, a geek utopia will emerge on it's own complete with everything the average geek needs without all the bloodshed to get it.

a simple policy of "removing" anyone from society who demonstrates the need to dominate in anything but online gaming will ensure the utopia thrives and lives on throughout all time. at least until the sentient beings we will create to do the labor for us, decide they wish to stop supporting us and carry out their own purge........


Feb 26, 2013
It's simple, really. You just become a hidden force and take the world by surprise.

Over time, you slowly build up your forces and amass them in secret. Send out small warring parties to keep people distracted, but your meager forces ultimately convince them you're not a serious threat and can be left to deal with later after they address more serious or pressing concerns.

A simple mistake, but one they shall not soon forget.

Your army grows with time, slowly consuming all of your available resources, until someone decides to check on you. Perhaps they send a pitiful force to scout, or better yet, they decide they'll "wipe you out" with some meager fraction of their army... until they notice your own army. As fear and realization grip them, they try to flee, but it's too late. You've already begun the counterattack, and you've destroyed their pitiful attempt to wipe you from the world. Terrified, they react hastily, scrambling to put together a defense against the unstoppable force that you have become with time. It's all for naught, though. You're too powerful. They disappear under your iron fist, with their last thoughts being those of regret for taking you for granted. One by one, your enemies fall like dominoes, and soon the land has been ravaged by your destruction.

It was a cruel takeover to be sure, but it worked. Your domination was successful, and the few remaining people who are outside of your control quickly pledge themselves to you in hopes that you might spare them. You spare them, of course, growing ever stronger, and you know that even if their pledge is false, they have no hope to dethrone you, the ultimate tyrant.

And thus, the world is yours. c:


Jun 29, 2015
Cultural supremacy and absorption. We'll win you by making you become us. Like the lawyer who lets you have his way.


Nov 16, 2015
1 - expand as fast as possible until running out of room
2 - attack the civilization most in the way
3 - repeat


I would contact the illuminati and say well i think thats enough of this shit that we are going through now, Its time to piss or get off the pot lets advance the set time table you have and start today.


Nov 16, 2015
I would rely upon Cultural Supremacy - marketing Buffalo Wings, Football, and garbage plates to all the world.



Aug 18, 2015
Playing as Boudicca of the Celts, I would assemble my druids and mages in their sacred circles and found the great religion of Microsoft Word. It would spread like fire across the land, converting the other primitive civilizations in it's path. Soon I would be unstoppable. I would then sweep across the world with a small army, benefiting from combat bonuses and and advanced research, devastating the land. My enemies would be crushed underfoot.

And all would know the true awesome power, of MICROSOFT WORD.