How much electricity a 600 watt PSU uses?


Jan 18, 2016
So I am planning to buy new gaming PC pretty soon which has 600 watt power supply but my parents are worrying that our electricity bill could rise a lot higher since it has so many watts. But I am sure that PSUs don't work that way, right? I know I can buy an electricity consumption meter but I need to make sure that my new PC won't eat electricity like crazy before purchasing it.

My average pc run time would be about 8-12 hours a day(not gaming all this time), 5 days a week. And I think that price per kwh here in UK is something like 0,17 pence per kwh.
The computer will use only the electricity that it needs; no more. This is true even if you connect a 1,000 watts PSU to it. No more, no less.

Usually it will consume much less than the 600 watts PSU connected depending on the graphics card primarily, and the CPU. HDDs, SSDs, fans consume very little wattage - about 12 watts eack for HDDs.