GTX Geforce 960 4gb vs GTX Geforce 970 4gb


Feb 8, 2016
GTX Geforce 960 4gb vs 970 4gb

Hello, I am building my own PC and I'm done with choosing all the parts except for the graphics card. I actually was going for the gtx geforce 960 4gb but friends of mine told me that the 970 is loads better, but when I told them I'm not gonna play heavy games (games I play atm are Smite, Star Wars Battlefront & I might go play Rainbow Six Siege) they told me that in a few years the 960 will not support a lot of games and the 970 will. I'm not sure what games I will play in the future but I want to be done for at least 3/4/5 years. The difference is more than 100 euros and that is pretty much money for me.

Do you guys have advice for what I should do?

Thanks already! Aivoongk



I think your friends are a bit mistaken at least in terminology. The 960 will be able to support playing games in the future. Now that is taking it with a grain of salt because, in comparison to the 970, there will be a performance difference in how each card is able to compute AA, shading, how much it can push FPS, and etc. The 970 is the superior card in performance, but both will be fine in the future. If you plan on running 4K panels or something like that then yes the 960 would have issues because it wasn't made for that. But, both are good cards and will be able to support games going forward. Sorry, there are a lot of factors that contribute to a card being able to perform and some of those are based on the resolution, the amount of FPS, and how many panels you want to game on/at. Hope that clarifies some things. If you have more questions, just hit me up.


Feb 8, 2016

Thanks for your reply, I will not play on a 4k monitor, I will use a 23,6" (1920x1080) monitor. In the future I would like to be able to play semi-heavy games like Rainbow Six Siege and Battlefront of at least medium and Smite probably on Ultra but that is not too difficult. When talking about FPS 50 Is totally fine by me, shall I take the 960 or the 970 in this situation?


Feb 8, 2016

Thanks for your reply, I will not play on a 4k monitor, I will use a 23,6" (1920x1080) monitor. In the future I would like to be able to play semi-heavy games like Rainbow Six Siege and Battlefront of at least medium and Smite probably on Ultra but that is not too difficult. When talking about FPS 50 Is totally fine by me, shall I take the 960 or the 970 in this situation?



If you're okay with lower than 60 FPS then you will be fine with the 960. However, the 970 will have better output especially when games at played at higher resolution. But, again at 1080p, you're perfectly fine with the 960. At 1080p, the 970 wouldn't do anything for you really except give you higher FPS.