Help! Connecting two 2-pin fans into a single Molex male


Mar 3, 2016
Today I salvaged a 2-pin fan from an old PSU and I wanted to mount it on my case, but I realised that neither the motherboard nor my PSU have any male connectors that accept this type of 2-pin connector.

One of the fans on my case has a male Molex connector which is connected directly into the PSU and I was wondering if I could put the cables into the Molex-fan, red with red and black with black. Would it work?
Note: The idea is to salvage it while using what I have in hand.

Here's what I've got, the 2-pin fan and the Molex fan (I'm sorry I cannot embed the pictures within the post)

This is what I want to achieve, saw it on ebay.


I'm not sure about the photo you posted with two 3-pin sockets from a 4-pin Molex. My problem is I can't tell whether the Molex is a female or a male connector. It needs to be male to plug into a female output from the PSU. BUT if that picture is a male Molex, it is wired red-to-red and black-to-black, all right, but that is the WRONG way. A female Molex output from the PSU has a YELLOW wire on Pin #1 to supply 12 VDC; the Red wire on Pin #4 supplies 5 VDC. The two middle black wires are both Ground. So you need an adapter in which the Molex is male and its Pin #1 (which connects to a yellow wire from the PSU) is a Red wire going to the fan connectors. The photo you've shown looks to me like its red wire is connecting to the 5 VDC supply on Pin #4 from the PSU, but I can't be sure.

Here is a slightly more complicated adapter:

It connects properly to the female Molex output of a PSU and provides two BLACK fan connectors that supply 12 VDC for full fan speed. It also has two WHITE connectors that supply only 5 VDC to fans, BUT that voltage is very low to make the fans run very slow - so slow that they might not even start up! So ignore the white outputs for fans.


Mar 3, 2016
Hello and thank you for your reply. I'm fairly new and oblivious to electronics. I didnt meant to do a "3-pin fan to molex" just like in the picture I posted, what I wanted to detail about that picture is the mole end connection in which seems to be "red+red > 1" and "black+black > 2"

Here is what I basically wanted to do (plus a few more details)

Is it possible to do what is shown on the bottom of the picture? Join both red cables inside the male Molex pin N° 1 and both black cables inside the male Molex pin N° 2?
I know I could get a LOT of information from what you wrote before but as I said before I'm quite new to electronics, thanks in advance!


Yes, this would work just fine. I see from your sketches that you already understand that a female Molex output's YELLOW wire is what must connect to a fan's RED wire. But your question is at the male Molex connector. Yes, reds joined, and blacks joined, is correct.

Just in case you hear rumblings about this next item, I'm going to mention it so you do NOT worry. When you are trying to connect more than one fan to a motherboard fan port, there is a limit - generally, no more than two fans joined together on a port. This is because the mobo port is limited in how much power (amps) it can supply. BUT a Molex output direct from the PSU has MUCH more power capacity than a mobo port. So it is quite acceptable to wire together several normal fans from ONE PSU Molex output.


Mar 3, 2016

Sweet! Thanks a lot, Paperdoc!